toxic grenade (Full Version)

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Renegade Reaper -> toxic grenade (5/11/2013 11:19:49)

should toxic grenade and other poison moves be able to be used directly after
the target has cured himself? its a damaging loophole imo. after you cure
yourself using field medic, you should not be able to be poisoned for one
single turn. in short, field medic gives you short term immunity to poison.

ansh0 -> RE: toxic grenade (5/11/2013 12:34:47)

Increase poison cool down to 4.

toopygoo -> RE: toxic grenade (5/11/2013 13:26:19)

increasing the cooldown sounds okay, but no heal should give you immunity.
keep in mind, planting a poison does hardly no damage, and it does not build rage.
originall implemented to overcome reroute and defensive builds, but now with the new bot, it can be innovatively used to cause massive damage, and i like that. as long as they dont add the option to stack it.. i mean that would make it possible to do 45 poison damage with the right team xD

overall, first idea not supported, but the fix is

Exploding Penguin -> RE: toxic grenade (5/11/2013 13:32:10)

No, I think it should stay the same way. If a TLM uses toxic grenade on you, and after you take the 2nd turn of poison damage you heal, they lose that extra 1 turn of damage, and it takes energy to reuse poison. Cooldown for poison spores is also quite long, so I don't think it's that bad.

spinutto -> RE: toxic grenade (5/11/2013 14:53:18)

Gee, it seems that every time that a creative build comes around, there is immediatly a rant on these forums.
Poison is fine and should not be tampered with.

doomkiller98 -> RE: toxic grenade (5/11/2013 16:08:45)

Agreed Poison is fine the way it is right now.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: toxic grenade (5/12/2013 8:54:43)

If you poison and your opponent heal a turn or 2 turns later, then part of your poison has been wasted. It makes sense you should be able to reaply it.


It [poison] should stay the same way. If a TLM uses toxic grenade on you, and after you take the 2nd turn of poison damage you heal, they lose that extra 1 turn of damage, and it takes energy to reuse poison. Cooldown for poison spores is also quite long.

toopygoo -> RE: toxic grenade (5/12/2013 20:06:19)

yeah, how about if at any time, no one is poisoned, you can use poison. its your energy cost. and its your skill.

Melbourne -> RE: toxic grenade (5/13/2013 9:27:49)

I feel bad about the healing taking it away, say a TLM uses max toxic grenade for 33 MP and someone heals it away for 17. I don't find that very fair, it is tactical but still...

Tushar -> RE: toxic grenade (5/13/2013 10:43:46)

How about healing will just decrease the damage of poison by a %??

Exploding Penguin -> RE: toxic grenade (5/13/2013 21:55:02)

@Melbourne: In high level play, you will very rarely find a build that poison effects are good against that have only level 1 field medic. Most will have level 3+. Glass cannons don't really have high field medics because they don't need it in their strategy, but it doesn't matter since poison isn't that effective against class cannons in the first place. Therefore, most people will spend at least 21+ EP to remove the poison, and in most cases poison is used on turn 1, making it so that they have to waste part of the potential HP field medic granted if they wanted to heal simply to remove the poison effect.

Melbourne -> RE: toxic grenade (5/14/2013 7:50:59)

As you start off with high level play I am going to just interrupt here and say I know that most people don't carry poison or a low leveled heal, but when it does come to that it is unfair. I was comparing MP cost.

Ranloth -> RE: toxic grenade (5/14/2013 8:03:45)

But the problem is, they give up EP to use Heal which may be inefficient (say +50 Heal to cure Poison ang give you 15 HP back that you've lost, for cost of around 27 EP?), that's already crippling one's strategy since their EP just shrinked due to being forced to heal, thanks to your Poison. Therefore, they have a choice: heal as soon as possible and waste the EP + Heal or fight and heal later on to take advantage of the Heal (say at 50% of your HP and Heal then), which is what I often do so my EP nor Heal ain't wasted.

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