Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: The most enjoyable win (5/24/2013 17:05:11)
Fighting a 2v2, my partner died quickly, but we took out one of the opponents before he died. I was fighting a Lvl27, when I was 22-23, and she called me a noob repeatedly. She said I was weak, and I deflected her attack. She was about to get a Rage Plasma Bolt in the face, but she called me a noob again. When I used it, I said "By the way, YOU LOSE." It felt so good to beat her, especially when she called me a noob. I now do use an OP 1v1 build that some hate, but I am going to switch it today. I agree, most OP builds don't take much effort. All I do is Overload -> Plasma Rain, and that kills almost everyone.