RE: Assimilation (Full Version)

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Xendran -> RE: Assimilation (5/17/2013 9:22:41)

First of all:

Assimilation - Steals a percentage of the targets current EP. Deals 85% strike damage.

12% of energy stolen
14% of energy stolen
16% of energy stolen
18% of energy stolen
20% of energy stolen
22% of energy stolen
24% of energy stolen
26% of energy stolen
28% of energy stolen
30% of energy stolen

Second of all: Atom smasher would be much better if you got rage from it. The percentages could use a small boost as well.

toopygoo -> RE: Assimilation (5/18/2013 1:42:53)


agree with necromantress

it deals damage for one, and its not meant stop people from using energy attacks, its purpose is to give you the energy you need to do your own attacks.
like i have corrected myslef before, its not meant to be a drain, but rather a leech

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