RE: How to make merc a decent class (Full Version)

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edwardvulture -> RE: How to make merc a decent class (5/15/2013 2:20:19)

I had 99 life(as a merc) w/ decent defenses (24-29+6 def) 42 support. I got two-turned by a support merc, btw merc strength build still works.

Cyber Dream -> RE: How to make merc a decent class (5/15/2013 6:46:39)

If you got two turned by a support merc with a decent build like that then something is wrong. Let me guess, he auxed you and used AS? You should of healed after the aux. Str build only works when you have enough dex to not get blocked.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: How to make merc a decent class (5/15/2013 21:46:27)

@toopygoo: BM isn't regenerative, nor is BH. While blood lust does give HP back when dealing damage, I fail to see that merc failing to have regenerative abilities is a valid argument because hybrid armor is essentially a different format of blood lust, and they both work similarly to increase the merc's endurance. Therefore, BM and BH are pretty much just as lacking in regenerative capabilities as merc is.

toopygoo -> RE: How to make merc a decent class (5/15/2013 23:20:45)

see thats where you are wrong.
hybrid is not like bloodlust at all
if you have 2 hp, with hybrid armour, you still lose no matter what.
however if you have bloodlust, you can still stay alive for another turn, after you attack.
that is why shield are smahed to bits with the minimum 3 damage rule.
it woul be fair if the minimum damage was 1

Exploding Penguin -> RE: How to make merc a decent class (5/17/2013 22:33:29)

@toopygoo: You will rarely reach that occasion where blood lust saves someone simply because 3 is the minimum hit. This would only happen in rare occasions with super tank BHs/BMs, and there are barely any of those aside from dex casters which can, according to you, easily be dealt with by removing their EP because they aren't regenerative in that sense. The chances that you have 1-2 HP, then hit high enough to recover without killing your opponent given you're near the endgame (otherwise you wouldn't have 1-2 HP in the first place) would be extremely slim.

Here's why I think blood lust is similar to hybrid:
-Blood lust recovers HP, and against a non-glass cannon build a normal hit dealing around 20 damage will recover, on max blood lust, 6 HP. You may recover less if you hit less, which can often happen, and you'll recover more on rage (around 10 when you rage). Hybrid armor also blocks 5-6 damage on all attacks, so it's like blocking rather than recovering. Each passive has its own pros and cons to it, such as the fact that if I have 15 HP with blood lust and the opponent hits 15 on me, I'll die, but if I have hybrid they'll only hit 9-10, so I'll live. Hybrid and blood lust are very similar if you compare them as passives which boost the player's endurance.

toopygoo -> RE: How to make merc a decent class (5/18/2013 1:55:08)

i tested this with my bounty hunter.

because of bloodlust, i was able to beat more level 35 tank mercs with a 42 bounty hunter than a 33 tank merc. wanna know why? because i kept blocking or deflecting, do to smoke screen and high tech.
when youre a tank, youre main option for survival is a big heal (which costs the same for everyone), and 1 big energy based attack. dont even dream about getting two in there, because by the time the cooldown comes along for bunker buster, other will have regained enough health, or dealt enough damage to heal/kill you.
tank builds just dont work because the minimum damage is too high

minimum 3 damage apply to jugg?
minimum 3 damage applied to 1v1? nope it gives other tanks or other weaker builds a huge advantage, because even with no strength and a lousy weapon, they do the same damage as someone with no strength and a great weapon.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: How to make merc a decent class (5/18/2013 15:49:20)

I would call that an inaccurate test because you could play BH better than you could play merc, or vice versa. I can play merc much better than I can most other classes. Also, it's a simple comparison between blood lust and hybrid armor, meaning you can't compare the other skills of the classes. If high tech with smoke screen really is that strong, it's a synergy problem and a smoke problem more than anything else, not a "hybrid is weaker" problem. I would be more convinced of your logic if you would test it out with BM as well.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: How to make merc a decent class (5/18/2013 18:44:01)

They dont need a nerf they are good
adrenaline makes their rage come 1 turn faster
They have support scalings
They have soo many crits
They always go first
It would be good tho if they made a skill to replace adrenaline which increases crit chance

Edit: I think merc is already a good class because they mainly build support and a lot of their requirements are support
This is good cos artilley scales with support and and support makes your rage go quick. it also lets you start
Adrenaline makes rage a turn quicker for full support merc builds and they keep critting!!!
It is annoying when you get empd tho so u shud hav generator for energy.
Merc support works best with atleast 100 hp and i hav seen plenty good mercs who are support
the dont need a nerf but it would be good if instead of adrenaline they had something which increases the crit chance: Desisive strikes:
lvl1 increases crit chance by 6 %
lvl 2 : 7 %
lvl 3 : 8%
lvl 4 :9%
lvl 5 : 10%
lvl 6: 11%
lvl 7: 12%
lvl 8: 13%
lvl 9 : 14%
lvl 10 :15%

Edit: also it shud hav same supp requirements as hybrid armour

Posts merge. Please don't triple post. Use the edit button next time. ~Mecha

Exploding Penguin -> RE: How to make merc a decent class (5/18/2013 20:29:46)

@ED Divine Darkness: +15% crit chance as a passive is simply overpowered. Heck, even half of that would still be overpowered. Also, I'd suggest editing your first post rather than making 3 posts right next to each other so you can place all your ideas in a single post rather than split it up.

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