santonik -> Berzerker and block (5/12/2013 15:28:19)
Berzerker cost very much energy. 27-45 energy. If berzerker skill block mercenary lose match very often. What you think need this berzerker buff. No more damage but more precision maybe 25%. I think 15% or 25% More precision. When enemy block that berzerker damage drop to 85%.Basically damage is 1+1+6 damage. Even extreme high strength. (over 156+ strength) What if when enemy block that berzerker damage drop to 40%% or 50%. My opinion 50% because berzerker cost so much energy. Mercenary cant regen energy. Mercenary is very much blockable skills.
This can be buff other ways too. Give suggestion.
dragnmastrnite -> RE: Berzerker and block (5/12/2013 15:49:17)
not supported. the merc class is rather good at seizures of power instead of tactical power. if the berzerker skill already has a dex requirement and already deals w/ the whole accuracy thing.
toopygoo -> RE: Berzerker and block (5/12/2013 19:51:00)
i think it makes sense. it is a pure attack skill, change it 50% damage, so you CAN still do more than the minimum. also, make it increase with skill level, with the max being 50%, and the minimum being 30% more damage., or increase the minimum damage. if massaacre costs 60 and does 20, then this can cost 3/4 of that, should do minimum 15 damage.