Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (Full Version)

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Elloisoul -> Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/14/2013 23:01:59)

I was thinking what if we replace it with a Some what poison granade that takes out energy from the enemy each turn like frost so it can be like this and it still cost the same energy as atom and calling it energy leach granade

Lvl 1- 15 energy per turn

Khalix -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/14/2013 23:53:08)

15 energy per turn for 3 turns with the user only needing 6 energy? That's basically 45 energy over the course of 3 turns, making it more debilitating than an EMP grenade for a small energy requirement.

Lvl 10 is overpowered. That's 105 energy over the course of 3 turns for the cost of 15 energy. Most lvl 35's have an average EMP grenade damage of 35, and this butchers it all.

Extremely unsupported.

toopygoo -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/15/2013 7:01:00)

the idea is there but that is way too strong....
make the cost start at 10, and go up to 25

level 1 drains 5
level 10 drains 15

xyzman -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/15/2013 8:47:20)

If it is 15 ep over 3 turns, meaning 5 ep per turn at lvl 1, only then it may make sense.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/15/2013 9:21:03)

that would be crazy strong.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/15/2013 10:57:23)

Can you please clarify if it is 15 energy per turn or 15 energy over 3 turns.

Anyway, grenades only look right on TLMs, it doesn't suit Mercs :P

Necromantres -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/15/2013 11:21:27)

if you make it 3 turn make it at max for a total of let's say 45 (maybe) the way you stated it it's way to OP..and a grenade ? for mercs? why not a good animated melee atack?

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/15/2013 11:23:35)


For merc, it could be like an atom smasher-bezerker attack [:D]

Edit: on second thought that wouldn't be original :P

toopygoo -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/15/2013 16:16:25)

15 over 3 turns yes.. its 3X the cost which is what EMP does, except EMP does it in one turn.... mine's level 5, costs 14, and drain 42... so you can say level 10, (maxed) cost 15 and drain 45 is op if it drains it over 3 turns

Spellzy -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/16/2013 4:24:14)


chusen -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/16/2013 5:25:22)

maybe give that grenade idea to TLM replacing atom smasher and probably weaken it more
then make atom smasher no cost and 3 cooldown and still blockable or maybe unblockable?

santonik -> RE: Replacing a Atom smasher with this somwhat emp stealing similar skill (5/17/2013 4:21:00)

Atom Smasher:Now that cost 6-15 energy depends lvls. What you think if that no cost energy at all to mercenary.That helping little bit against casters and emp users.
Tactical mercenary must pay energy;because they have reroute.

Today broblem 1 skill is 2 class
I dont changes anything Tactical mercenary
I changed only regular mercenery.But that need new move. Basically same move what ATOM MASHER is but that no cost energy.

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