Icy chill core (Full Version)

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Tushar -> Icy chill core (5/15/2013 22:23:29)

It's so useless core...

I was thinking of a new core exchange of icy chill's effect...

Name will be same...
But effect is that there's 3% chance to freeze the enemy on hit...
It's more like stun effect (enemy skips 1 turn)

Ranloth -> RE: Icy chill core (5/15/2013 22:31:40)

It's not useless since it still works on the George Lowe NPC. It's better to unlock it if anything, rather than exchange for a new core and more power. It'd fall under boosting rare items which was a policy at the time (when boosting stats + damage) but in this case, it'll be cores that fall under it.

Therefore, not supported. Wait for it to be unlocked.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Icy chill core (5/16/2013 9:55:22)

not supported!

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