Caeszard (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Caeszard (5/16/2013 4:11:14)

Earth Element
Level	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	137	147	
XP	33	59	173	704	3361	17630	97627	233189	561475	
Gold	37	63	176	701	3363	17628	97625	233186	561477	
Power	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	
Melee	7	12	17	22	27	33	38	40	43	
Ranged	7	12	17	22	27	33	38	40	43	
Magic	7	12	17	22	27	33	38	40	43	
EstHP	60	220	480	810	1210	1650	2130	2370	2620	
EstMP	100	170	240	310	380	450	520	560	590	

STR	15	50	85	125	160	195	235	250	270	
DEX	10	45	80	110	145	180	210	230	245	
INT	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
END	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
LUK	10	40	70	100	130	160	190	205	220	
Fire	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	
Water	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	
Wind	70	70	70	70	70	70	70	70	70	
Ice	58	58	58	58	58	58	58	58	58	
Earth	35	35	35	35	35	35	35	35	35	
Energy	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	
Light	58	58	58	58	58	58	58	58	58	
Dark	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	
  • Regenerates «» SP per turn.
  • If he has at least «» SP, he spends that much and summons pillars that strike and may Daze* (1 round) you.

    *Marmor iacta est.
    Level	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	137	147	
    Regen	20	34	48	62	76	91	105	112	119
    SP Cost	58	116	183	260	346	442	548	604	663
    This crazed zard came to see stuff and conquer. He won't answer to reason, but maybe he'll respond to a knife in the back?

    Stats thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.

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