Cheap Shot and Smoke Screen (Full Version)

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martinsen5 -> Cheap Shot and Smoke Screen (5/17/2013 8:52:09)

My suggestion would be making either Cheap Shot or Smoke Screen unblockable (Since Massacre is pretty much useless now). I'm a Bounty Hunter, and blocks REALLY change the outcome of a duel. Mainly because I heavily rely on melee and not range attacks, like some other classes. I'm fine with normal attacks being blockable, but either CS or SS getting blocked is just unfair when other classes have unblockable energy attacks and so forth, IMO.

I am not very experienced with what is balance and what is not. So, you probably disagree with me, and that's fine. Feel free to tell me exactly why these changes would be either good or bad below, I guess?

Ranloth -> RE: Cheap Shot and Smoke Screen (5/17/2013 9:00:44)

Then make Malf and Intimidate unblockable too. Not only that, give buff to Shields since these don't give you free unblockable attack. In other words, no. CheapShot is fine as it is. If that was done then players would want Double Strike and possibly Bludgeon to end up in the same way. That's even worse.

Both are fine as they are. BHs are strong as they are now, possibly CHs too (and promised buff to SC will be done sometime soon, hopefully).

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Cheap Shot and Smoke Screen (5/17/2013 10:02:53)


I'm a Bounty Hunter, and blocks REALLY change the outcome of a duel. Mainly because I heavily rely on melee and not range attacks

Blocks were already nerfed, they don't need to be nerfed again by making more skills unblockable.
Also, BHs are really the masters of blocking. They have shadow arts, increasing their block chance, and smoke, decreasing their opponents block chance. Making them have more unblockable skills isn't necessary.

martinsen5 -> RE: Cheap Shot and Smoke Screen (5/17/2013 10:08:18)

@Trans, Well you seem to know a bit about other classes and how this would affect everything in general, so thanks for the respond.

@xGreen Warriorx, Shadow Arts has never come much in handy for me, I barely block at all. Maybe it's my build, but people block my attacks more frequently than I do myself.

DarkDevil -> RE: Cheap Shot and Smoke Screen (5/17/2013 10:38:41)

do note that block is at least 2% and depends on dex do if you have low dex like 40 then builds with 60 or more dex will block u very frequent.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Cheap Shot and Smoke Screen (5/17/2013 10:44:58)


is just unfair when other classes have unblockable energy attacks and so forth, IMO.

Multi Shot and Stun Grenade.

Necromantres -> RE: Cheap Shot and Smoke Screen (5/17/2013 15:22:21)

martinsen5 i use a str/ support buld with max berserk, and a lvl 3 maul...

You feel anger for getting blocked...there are battles vs BH which goes this way:

First turn: maul- blocked
BH-Smoke Screen
An atack (it differs from player to player)
Rage berserk- blocked

And it's not 1, or 2 they are many like those...It's the build you're using..That's what you get for relying on melee

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