Funniest Battle Moments (Full Version)

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Jacobfarrow1 -> Funniest Battle Moments (5/18/2013 15:56:19)


I would like the people on this forum to post their funniest moments in battle. Like, when an opponent says, "bb" and does barely enough, or when you should've died but won. I'll post mine first.

Yesterday, when I was doing 1v1, I fought a BH (I think) who had me at around 15. He said, "bb noob", and used a Physical Sidearm against me (I am a Tech Mage). It did 1, 2 and he said, "wtf". I beat him with my Aux. I said when I beat him, "High dex. It helps." I use a Dex Overload-Plasma Rain build, and not many physical opponents can beat me. I love to see opponents confused when they use a Physical attack.

What are your funniest battle moments?

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Funniest Battle Moments (5/18/2013 15:57:34)

That time when, in 2v2, I got stun-locked for 3 turns. I got hit by stun cannon, then max mauled, then got stunned again for the 3rd time by overload.

It was also funny but frustrating that someone crit stun me 2 times in a row as a TM in a 1v1.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Funniest Battle Moments (5/18/2013 19:15:45)

Start at 3:35

Every one of my attacks were blocked and deflected

Necromantres -> RE: Funniest Battle Moments (5/19/2013 5:06:02)

Long ago when hibrid was clickable...

I played 2vs2 as a str merc with barely any resistance and defence only by hibrid...(level around 10)

In one match i teamed up with a partner with the same build as me and the opponent were both tech mages...When they had like half of the hp they stunned both of us..killed my partner and left me with 10 hp...They said "Hah,easy" and here i what happened:

Rage crit and killed one of them...
Blocked the other mage atack.
Crited and finished him...

I said, easy right?

That was a hell of a match and i still can barely believe it...

Scyze -> RE: Funniest Battle Moments (5/19/2013 5:07:48)

I'd rather not tell since it would make you smile for the whole day and your parents will think you've gone crazy. I'm being nice here!

odsey -> RE: Funniest Battle Moments (5/19/2013 5:11:34)

A player use DM even though I doesn't have any physical attack:D.

RageSoul -> RE: Funniest Battle Moments (5/19/2013 5:53:59)

When i was playing one of my accounts ( it was during Gamma BTW ) , i was using my level 30 Merc and i'm paired against a TM . When we both have low HP ( after loops of numbers all over ) , i was only a few points of Rage to kill him . I can get it but here's the catch : he has 1 EP point less to heal up , so what i did is i kept flipping my Hybrid Armor . Sadly i lost because i gave him Rage in the process lol .

Sauerkraut -> RE: Funniest Battle Moments (5/23/2013 18:16:31)

"Don't worry, I got this" - I've heard this so many times in 2v2 from partners overestimating themselves greatly, followed by defeat soon after, that it makes me laugh everytime now and I often joke about it in battle.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Funniest Battle Moments (5/23/2013 20:17:39)

Some one uses they're OP pistol forcing me to strike thinking their free win gun has saved them . Then i kill them with the strike and think "man poor guy spent $50 to force me to kill him". Hilarious

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