Some skill changes (Full Version)

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Exploding Penguin -> Some skill changes (5/18/2013 16:11:04)

A few skill changes I've either previously suggested or I will suggest. Note that these don't necessarily pertain to balance (some will), but some will also just to mix things up and make the move have more tactical applications.

Plasma bolt:
-Scale at 1 more tech point per damage
-Each skill level adds +3 damage instead of the current +2

-Will burn the opponent, adding a DoT of 5 damage per turn for 2 turns. Will stack in 2v2.

Atom Smasher:
-EP cost is 4 at level 1, +1 per level
-Level 1 conversion reduced to 32%
-Each skill point will add an extra 7% EP removed

Big TLM Changes:

Toxic Gas: Replaces Artillery Strike. Poisons both enemies with initial damage. Poison scaling is the same as toxic grenade's current scaling. Using it against 2 opponents has no damage penalty, but requires +14 more energy. Has same EP cost as artillery strike.

Snipe: Brings out a sniper rifle and shoots the opponent. Replaces toxic grenade. Stat requirement of strength at base 20 strength (+2 per skill point). EP cost is base 14 (+1 per skill point). Snipe does 70% total aux damage (70% of support damage boost + aux damage boost), and has a high crit chance. Critical hit chance is base 5%, and will increase by 1% every 4 support. Each skill point increases the critical hit chance by 4% until level 3, then 3% until level 8, then 2%.

Necromantres -> RE: Some skill changes (5/18/2013 16:56:00)

Snipe it's somehow like Bunker Buster? And can i chose what snipe to use? (maybe add different ones for different effect?)

Toxic Gas . Does the poison gets cured by field medic? how many turns it last, what damage does it do? And i don't think it's a viable replacement for TLM Multy...And calling an airstrike (Artilery Strike) somehow fits the "tactical move" that i think Tactical Mercenaries were supposed to have.

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