How Long can You Last? (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> How Long can You Last? (5/18/2013 21:17:22)

I have a question for you, and anyone playing EpicDuel:

For how much time is your gaming session while playing EpicDuel? Do you regularly play 6+ hours at a time? Or do you play 45- minutes at a time? What triggers the end of your gaming session?

For myself, I often play for around 2 hours at a time. I join in to play PVP after choosing a build and grind in 1V1 but if I specialize in 2V2 or Juggernaut... then those. I grind for an hour sometimes more than that to be wowed if possible. When I find that I am not being wowed by the lack of surprising finds in PVP I stop playing.

What about yourself?

Midnightsoul -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/18/2013 21:28:42)

I play for 30 minutes or 1 hour at most now. I used to play more, but I don't feel like it.

Mother1 -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/18/2013 21:38:43)

When I am going for a daily I am on from reset to next reset (My 2 vs 2 and raising star LB are proof of this) Otherwise it purely depends. Back in delta if I was helping my faction 5-6 hours otherwise less then an hour.

Omega to me unless there is something worth my time has sucked all the fun out of the game due to over nerfs and making things cost so much that even a class change is cheaper or close to being cheaper.

goldslayer1 -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/18/2013 21:43:47)


For how much time is your gaming session while playing EpicDuel?

depends, i dont really play much at all anymore, due to all my faction mates quitting.
but when i did play i used to play easily 4+ hours
one time i was on for 36 hours (that was the day i did 1400 in a day, i was up 12 hours before i did those wins)
it really depended on what was needed for the faction to win. but i would finish off atleast 100 wins on dailies. (however long that took)


What triggers the end of your gaming session?

extreme bad luck.
back when i used to play if i had bad luck (when i say bad luck, i mean having more stats than my enemy but he still did X more Y than me) i would take a break for about an hour and just do NPCs while listening to music or watching youtube.

however NPCs are no longer viable. so i dont have that luxury anymore.
now if i have bad luck, i take take days off ED as a break. its too bad we cant use NPCs as a cooling off method anymore :/

ReconnaisX -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/18/2013 22:14:22)

About 30 minutes at a time, or when I feel like switching to Minecraft.

ur going to fail -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 0:36:30)

less than 15 min

kittycat -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 1:04:43)

Previously every day when I come back from school, now merely every Friday just to keep up with the battle trends.

Scyze -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 1:11:59)

Hmm... After my week long school, I'd be rushing to play the game. I'd play for hours upon hours.
Now, I still get the urge to play but for like 20 or so minutes. If there's something good going on, it's longer.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 1:12:55)

The amount of time I play at a time varies greatly now. The least I will play for a session is five minutes. I will play for hours at a time if theres a time-sensitive mission that I need to complete such as the spore missions. Should the coming war actually be good (as the Infernal War was) I will devote at least one 24-hour period of nearly continuous gameplay. This will be especially true if there are tiered achievements.

Yo son -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 1:27:42)

my playing time during beta was due to addiction; after that it was mainly trying to get on LB and maintain high win ratio; during omega, I don't even play anymore, some times when I play and find my self playing more, is because I lost to someone who I didn't think I should, so I get hyped hoping to fight that person in the next battle.

King Helios -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 1:33:37)

I usually will play about 1.5 hours straight, twice a day, on weekends, and 1 hour on weekdays.

However, with my new schedule, that'll probably become like 30 minutes a day for weekdays.

Cookielord12 -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 4:08:40)

I played 10 hours non stop when the Easter event came out. Since then, maybe an hour at most.

kosmo -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 4:26:48)

i play really 2 much, like 3-4 hours during the week days and all the freaking weekend, i just stop on friday and saturday night, wich i go out.
i have quite a problem whit this game.....

Necromantres -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 4:59:38)

Unless a saga or a war i ussualy play about 1 hour and 30 minutes +/-. Ussualy i log out out of boredom of many loses or out of time.

Xendran -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 5:42:15)

I usually play for 30-60 minutes. Longest is 18h.
I actually did two 18h sessions (6h sleep in between) back to back while doing my daily 1v1 and 2v2 medals.

RageSoul -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 5:49:43)

In one day , i did play like almost 6 hours but as of current time , i'm just as "rare" as you Perma-rares ; can't be seen normally .

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 6:48:21)

48 hours in one day

odsey -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 6:50:29)

@Trizz but one day is 24 hour, is it even possible to do that?

On topic: I doesn't really play much now. Maybe 30 minutes on weekend and 15 minutes on weekday.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 8:19:45)


For how much time is your gaming session while playing EpicDuel?

5 mins now, I go on and then go back off, so I would say I hardly play anymore.
Might come back for war. That's what made me come back last year (Infernal war)

Do you regularly play 6+ hours at a time?

On ED, not anymore.
Other games I do but not on mon-fri, only sat/sun.


What triggers the end of your gaming session?

Real life stuff
Course works
Home works
Rage quitting.
Boring games

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 9:00:07)

@odsey i got time manipulation powers

back in reallife, rarely stay on for more than 2 hours and even rarely log in to the game, rather spend my time help build the game than playing it.

Scyze -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 9:34:53)

I'm guessing the numbers will rise dramatically again if NPC's counted to your battle record.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 9:40:36)

yup everyone would go NPC farming instead of doing PVP.

Xendran -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 9:41:29)


yup everyone would go NPC farming instead of doing PVP.

It's actually starting to look like they would be NPC farming instead of not playing, not NPC farming instead of pvping.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 10:02:50)

@above that only applies to players around level 30-35, the level cap needs to be raised and we need to have a purpose for PVP instead of just earning credits and win/loss

Xendran -> RE: How Long can You Last? (5/19/2013 10:05:49)

Yes, i've been thinking they need to raise the cap to 37 for a while now.

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