Focus Build Fix (Full Version)

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Exploding Penguin -> Focus Build Fix (5/19/2013 14:55:27)

Well, focus was appropriately nerfed because bots were doing way too much damage and cost no energy. However, with this nerf, I'll suggest something that'll hopefully bring some more interesting gameplay back into PvP, particularly in 2v2. I think that given how bot damage is about the same as aux damage now, it would be appropriate to make the bot special and normal bot attack have individual cooldowns, much like when they were first released. Here are a few changes that would need to be made to make sure some bots don't become overpowered with this suggested system:

-All bots with offensive specials, except for gamma bot, can only use their special once. This means poison spores can only be used once. However, thorns and cleanse may be used an infinite number of times.
-Poison spores damage buffed by 5%
-Cleanse increased by 5-10%
-Bot specials cannot be raged with, but will still give rage. This is to keep namely infernal android and gamma bot in line, but will also help botanical borg since its special is unblockable.

Mother1 -> RE: Focus Build Fix (5/19/2013 16:31:30)


-All bots with offensive specials, except for gamma bot, can only use their special once. This means poison spores can only be used once. However, thorns and cleanse may be used an infinite number of times.

This would be a good idea if most bots specials weren't already once time use that are offensive. The only two bot that would be affected special wise by this change would be the poison bots and the azreal's borg. Plus even with your buffing to the poison bot and the seperate cooldowns for it one heal and the poison is gone and can't be used again. The main reason it special was made reusable was for the fact that heal can cancel out poison. So in all honestly unless the poison from this bot was made immune to heal I couldn't support it because even with your ideas for buffs it would be nerfing this bot more than buffing it.

The same can be said for the Azreal's borg since there is already an Azreal's aux out that has it's special and it does more Damage. The only thing the Azreal's borg has over this aux is that it is can be used more than once and this idea would devalue the bot even more.


-Cleanse increased by 5-10%

Don't support this in the least sorry. Besides the fact that it will make debuffs less value, (since this was the main reason why it was nerfed the first time) why is it that this bot is getting 2 buffs while the some of the others are getting one or in the Poison and Azreal's borgs cases getting nerfed more then buffed?


-Bot specials cannot be raged with, but will still give rage. This is to keep namely infernal android and gamma bot in line, but will also help botanical borg since its special is unblockable.

they should have done this from the start with the infernal android IMO would have saved it from a lot of nerfs since most abused it's special with rage.

Necromantres -> RE: Focus Build Fix (5/20/2013 8:11:51)

So basicaly Infernal Android doesn't actualy change, nor do the's more like a nerf to the poison bot?

Xendran -> RE: Focus Build Fix (5/20/2013 8:16:39)

These numbers are entirely arbitrary from the looks of it.
What is your basis for these?
Especially regarding the number of times an ability can be used. You made the same mistake the devs made, and have things like Infernal Overload considered to be equal in power to Color Blast based on their implementation, despite the fact that they arent.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Focus Build Fix (5/21/2013 23:35:59)

The concept of color blast never worked, and I have no idea why the staff thought it would in the first place. This suggestion was made disregarding the existence of that bot. Also, infernal android was greatly nerfed because its base damage was already lower than most other bots, and infernal overload is %-based, making the recent focus nerf even more devastating on the bot.

Mother1 -> RE: Focus Build Fix (5/22/2013 0:16:14)

@ exploding

Color blast was made so you couldn't use strike without penalty. While some people aren't happy with this, other found other uses for this bot. At the lower levels this bot can be used and make the special work since most down at that level don't have extra cores and gear to avoid this.

At the higher level this can be used to throw your opponent off their game depending on the situation since it can make certain opponents play out of their comfort zone when used right which in my opinion is very tactical.

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