Search Feature Issue (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> Search Feature Issue (5/21/2013 21:19:35)


Time Filter-This lets your choose the amount of time to search in. This is good for letting you find posts in you know where post within or before a certain time. Can really narrow down the search field sometimes. The All Topics Option pretty much tells it to ignore time frames

I have an issue with the search feature (I always do), but could someone explain please how the time filter is used correctly? When I change the setting from "within" to "before" I get the exact same results.

Skurge -> RE: Search Feature Issue (5/22/2013 20:01:27)

When using the "search" feature, you're allowed two options.

  • There is the simple search which can efficiently help you find a certain topic within a forum or sub-forum.

  • Then there's the advance search which includes the Time Filter.

    The time filter works in a unique way and can get a bit tricky to handle properly.

    For a better detailed guide on how to make the Search Feature work, you can check out the
    Search Feature; How to Make it Work For You! for more!

    In order to show you how to use it, I'll use the "AQWorlds General Discussion" board as an example:

    Say I wanted to find the thread "Religions of Lore" and I'm absolutely sure that it was created at least
    7 days ago.

    Thus, my search would look something like this and my result would come to this. As the thread was
    posted about 18 days ago, if I had used the "within" option, the system would not have recognized it and
    it would look something like this.

    Hope this helped~

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