Juggernaut for level 35 (Full Version)

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daredevil0420 -> Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 15:18:51)

Jugg is very hard in omega even if you win your wins will be like 60% 50% 40% only low levels are good in juggs
I wish they make jugg easier like level 35 vs 24 ,24
I hope they make anything about jugg in the next update.

Ranloth -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 15:23:02)

Juggernaut wasn't ever meant to be an easy mode. 35 vs. 24 + 24 - you're asking for free wins now? I manage with my build a 70% ratio in Juggernaut. So unless you have a decent build, expect lower ratios. Lower to that of 1v1 and 2v2 as well since Juggernaut was supposed to be harder.

Mother1 -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 15:34:19)

Juggernaut is suppose to be hard and Omega did that for Juggernaut.

daredevil0420 -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 15:34:20)

If you remember delta lots of players had 90% rate some had 100% i'm not asking for free wins just making it a bit easier will make jugg good , and it's not fair to ConQrR and ironman03

Ranloth -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 15:36:18)

Delta gave free wins, something that was NOT intended when Juggernaut was made. Purely because players you've faced had no or very little enhancements whilst you've had much more (Varium player) thus easy fights.

daredevil0420 -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 15:39:55)

Yeah you're right!

goldslayer1 -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 15:49:21)


35 vs. 24 + 24

80 + (34 x 4) = 216

2 x (80 + (23 X 4)) = 344

statistically speaking, the 2 lower levels even at level 24, are far superior.
this isn't even accounting for gear.

daredevil0420 -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 16:00:10)

Trans you said that "Juggernaut wasn't ever meant to be an easy mode."
But don't forget low levels are doing well in jugg because it's sooo easy for them and the rate is like 90%

goldslayer1 -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 16:02:05)

the current match making system for all modes are not good.
eventually the power differentials become smaller in terms of % for solo, and only bigger for juggernaut.

a level 35 player has
80 base stats (not including HP/EP) and 136 from level ups

this puts it at 216 stats to use.

level 29s
have 80 base stats and 112 from level ups.
but its 2 level 29s not 1.
this gives stat advantage to the lower levels of

384/216 this once again does not take gear into account.

and because we do not know the progression for stats in items (weps/armors)
i cannot make a proper suggestion on a reliable more balanced match making system that takes levels into account.

Ranloth -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 16:07:18)

Lower level =/= high level. Everything is different. You're a high level player and want easy wins back. If they are easy at low level, it needs to be adjusted.

toopygoo -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 16:10:14)

if you want easy wins, generally, at 35, you have a big advantage in 1v1, because no one has more stat points than you.. only equal

daredevil0420 -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 16:10:52)

Trans you and goldslayer1 you 2 convinced me :P

daredevil0420 -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 16:12:00)

Yeah 1vs1 is sooo easy

toopygoo -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 16:13:02)

i cant tell if that was sarcasm.
i never said its easy, you just have the advantage, i'd say 50% of the time? by random pick

goldslayer1 -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 16:14:13)


Lower level =/= high level.

its 2 lower levels, not one.

either way, the current match making system is not good, so skewed balance for jugger is expected.

kosmo -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 16:34:46)

With tm you can do pretty well, I changed class to jugg again as a lvl 35 and I m enjoyng it so far.However the advantage that lower lvls have in terms of win ratios in juggs is insane, I hope they ll come up with some fixes that buff lvls 35, I undersatand that juggs mustn t be easy but it would be pratically impossible to win any battle if you didn t face continuesly unexperienced players.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Juggernaut for level 35 (5/22/2013 17:44:39)

Absolutely not supported it shouldn't be any easier for the juggs a mode that you have no option to enter should not exist to begin with. NO just no

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