Tokens (Full Version)

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goldslayer1 -> Tokens (5/22/2013 22:47:56)

as some of you may know the hourly tax on tokens from flags was increased from 50 to 100 back in delta.

however looking at them now, im wondering

looking at the daily LBs, there is NO faction (NONE) that can get 2400 on a daily basis.
win speed has been severely lowered in omega.

so does anyone find the current hourly tax a bit ridiculous?
especially since the tax change to 100 was to hamper elite factions from getting 2 flags or 1 flag with a very high amount of tokens.
now please keep in mind, only elite factions (there were very few) could possibly sustain 2 flags before this change.

so with that said, how do u feel about the current tax rate? is ED being too greedy taxing the delta V citizens?

Mother1 -> RE: Tokens (5/22/2013 22:50:36)

In all honestly I have to agree with you on that. Flag donations has gone down the tubes every since the new influence system came into play and even worse when the infernal war came and went. The cost of capturing flags are so low that I have enough tokens on my main now to capture one for myself if I wanted to. If that isn't sad I don't know what is -_-

goldslayer1 -> RE: Tokens (5/22/2013 23:08:04)

yeah basically any one with 20k+ tokens can take a flag by themselves now
back in delta it required more teamwork between the faction.

what i found unfair is how they just completely diminished everyone's hard work with this change.
mainly because the factions WITH flags actually worked hard and spent a large amount of time farming those tokens for their flags.
(well most farmed for it, some factions had other means of obtaining token$ to supply their flag$)

currently looking at the minetower flags, and only one of them is above 20k tokens. 20080 to be exact.
and one faction which had THREE different factions competing for the same flag, with 120k tokens a piece, is now at 13k

comicalbike -> RE: Tokens (5/23/2013 5:23:22)

when they first started it was only 15 hourly tax but its like the rest of the game now completely unbaleanced

xyzman -> RE: Tokens (5/23/2013 5:41:17)

I too, think that the flag captured system should be altered, they can either increase the hourly influence or lower the hourly tax (50 is reasonable, maybe lower). Also, the achievement should be only awarded to those who donated.
Hope the devs will make change of this soon, though charfade has said in another thread they do not check General Discussion section.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Tokens (5/23/2013 8:31:19)

Flag tax is just right atm. The chievo is only worth 1000 rating points and most faction members just dont spend any tokens.
That means that some members have to spend way more than 1000 tokens to capture a flag and get the achievement.
The flag scores only went down because the game has lost alot players.

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: Tokens (5/23/2013 8:58:33)

The 50, 000/plus tokens I spent on factions that no longer exist were a complete waste.

I wish they were on my stars now.

The number of lifetime battle tokens we spent on flags should be noted in our stats. Then it wouldn't be as bad because at least we would have some kind of recognition for it.

Bloodpact -> RE: Tokens (5/24/2013 16:59:37)


A token to flag value in stat to show your worth to a team.



xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Tokens (5/27/2013 19:45:59)


The number of lifetime battle tokens we spent on flags should be noted in our stats. Then it wouldn't be as bad because at least we would have some kind of recognition for it.

I'm liking that idea too.

The tax on tokens is fine. The way it is now newer and less hardcore factions have a chance to get a few flag captures, where before it was almost impossible. A good example of that is CAD's 100,000 or 200,000 tokens (forget exactly how many it was) on the Central Station flag. Everyone who had donated there couldn't get any captures for a week.

toopygoo -> RE: Tokens (5/27/2013 20:39:53)

i like the idea of an achievement for big donations. i personally have doanted over 25K with one character to capturing flags and over 30K with another. it would be cool to get recognized. im not talking about 30K rating points achievement, but something like 1500, or 2000 points for 25K+

Mother1 -> RE: Tokens (5/27/2013 21:25:12)

@ toopygoo

25K wow that is a lot of rating. It would be enough to get me to my 3rd blue star since I need a little less then 25,000 rating points

King Helios -> RE: Tokens (5/27/2013 21:32:26)


currently looking at the minetower flags, and only one of them is above 20k tokens. 20080 to be exact.
and one faction which had THREE different factions competing for the same flag, with 120k tokens a piece, is now at 13k

I know, it's ridiculous! We control one flag with just under 17k tokens. None of us have donated over 2,500 tokens.

toopygoo -> RE: Tokens (5/27/2013 21:50:22)

we have a flag... captured by with the effort of only 4 people... and it costs 19-21K... and can be maintained. i dont see a big problem

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Tokens (5/27/2013 21:57:45)

Its not a issue with tax. Everyone's quitting or playing A LOT less so their just isn't the same volume of tokens anymore.

NDB -> RE: Tokens (5/28/2013 0:51:19)

^that just contradicted urself. because people are quitting or playing a lot less and the volume of tokens is less, the tax has become out of proportion and that is what everyones complaining about here.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Tokens (5/28/2013 1:47:09)

@Mother1 you misread what he said. hes talking about an achievement worth 1500-2000 rating points to be
awarded to players who donated 25,000+ tokens on that character. hes NOT talking about a 25k rating cheevo.

Bloodpact -> RE: Tokens (5/28/2013 2:16:18)

Yeah I don't understand y they took away the ability for sustaining two flags by raising the tax.

The idea should be if nobody will rise up to the challenge of capturing a flag at a fair rate

then whats the point.... flags are like when a boy chasing a girl, the fun is in the chase to your goal.( xD )

If someone has invested so much in a flag... they should be able to build on it, and if they

manage to sustain two flags at once, the all the other guilds faults for not trying as hard as them.

Now the whole competition is, "who can throw their 100 tokens in last minute last".
(Yeah because that takes any work to do)

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