First turn formula (Full Version)

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Snaipera -> First turn formula (5/23/2013 14:29:58)

Playing as a low level, I can say that first turn is vital for a fight. Here comes my problem. Playing with a lvl 18, I find it ridiculous how I'm never given first turn against a 20+ level character versing me. I stand close to no chance despite having all my weapons upgraded at max level. The first turn formula should be reworked so as if you're 2 levels below your opponent, you automatically go first.... otherwise it's just a free win for the higher level...

toopygoo -> RE: First turn formula (5/23/2013 21:08:50)

not automatically, but im thinking 7% lower for every level you are higher.

i faced a 35 mage with my 31 bounty. i had 12 more support than he did, so i should have had a 50+15+12=77% chance. it should be higher, than that for a 4 level difference that big

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: First turn formula (5/23/2013 21:14:29)

I'd have to agree with this . I don't like the first turn formula i have a horrible feeling though the change to passive armors is going to help the quick kill builds more then anyone . Support mercs everywhere strength builds.RUN WHILST YOU STILL CAN DON'T LOOK BACK

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