Reduce all weapons damage~ (Full Version)

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ReinVI -> Reduce all weapons damage~ (6/4/2013 6:10:53)

I personally think that every weapon sidearm, primary, and aux should get taken down a notch ( about 10 damage ) cause as it stands now with hp being in short supply as are defenses
there's almost no point in using 'set damage' skills because mindlessly wailing on people with your regular weapons is more effective in the long run ( less energy used on skill so you can heal etc ) plus with debuffs being as good as they are now it makes it that much easier for these 34 damage weapons to just blast through another persons life bar. So with this change the scaling would have to be changed obviously and at max level all weapons damage would be down by 10 which would make it easier to survive ( especially in 2v2 when you get debuffed turn one and your last to go in the match ) as well as just raising the amount of time your actually fighting. Battles are way to short now given that hp and defenses aren't what they were and damage is 'all powerful' you can't outsmart an opponent when all he has to do wail on you mindlessly to win.

Mysterion. -> RE: Reduce all weapons damage~ (6/4/2013 6:21:50)

The problem is that focus builds would become OP, along with the classes that has the most Damage based skills, for example TMs.
Builds like strength and support would become terribly UP.
Mercenary will be the most useless class ever existed.

Only viable attack recources will be skills like bunker buster, stun grenades, plasma bolt, poison skills etc etc.
And the robots, ow god, the robots, not again O_O

Bad idea, not supported.

Besides that, this is a Balance issue, which belong in the Balance section.

Ranloth -> RE: Reduce all weapons damage~ (6/4/2013 6:28:57)

Then Focus also has to get nerfed to match weapon damage, that's the reason it was nerfed lately - because it had higher damage than weapons after various diminishing returns on Strength and Support. Not mentioning having to nerf skills and making Tanks extremely OP. Why change it if it really doesn't need a change? What should happen sometime is easing a little on the diminishing returns so they won't be as steep, not another nerf...

Mother1 -> RE: Reduce all weapons damage~ (6/4/2013 7:39:31)

Not supported

This nerf would only lead to another sea of nerfs which would promote tanking even more. It would be much better just to buff HP instead of nerfing weapon damage since they once again recently nerf crits.

Khalix -> RE: Reduce all weapons damage~ (6/4/2013 9:19:26)

Makes the game more skill-reliant than ever.

Let's not forget some classes can't regain energy.

toopygoo -> RE: Reduce all weapons damage~ (6/4/2013 15:47:57)

well, now its just like 2 classes that can regain energy...

personally i think bots were overbuffed. the point of a focus 5 build used to be so that you had a single attak stronger than the rest.. right now with a merc focus 5 tank build, i have 80 Hp, 12+strength damage and only 10+ support damage. Bot does only 3 more points than my attack. i think the bots do deserve a little bit of a buff, or weapon damage reduced by 3. 10 is WAY too much, however focus 5 builds, really dont have a big advantage anymore, unless you got poisons or IA in my opinion.

the last bot was just like a sidearm which was just like a really weak multi...

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