AE Xtras (Full Version)

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squishy17 -> AE Xtras (6/4/2013 14:24:12)

Just wanted to suggest adding a thread to discuss which AE Xtra offers are actually worthwhile. When I first started playing AQW I signed up for an offer. It never installed and I never got the promised AC's. It did however install some Ebil code that that's been difficult to eliminate. A tread (maybe in the Community Gaming section) with player feedback of the offers would give players an opportunity to warn against malicious offers or suggest offers that may have a benefit.

Zyrain -> RE: AE Xtras (6/4/2013 14:30:55)

An AExtras forum board already exists, with both "List of Good Offers" and "List of problem offers" threads for us to discuss the effectiveness of offers in. :)

squishy17 -> RE: AE Xtras (6/5/2013 16:43:07)

OOps I wasn't expecting it to be listed with the games and totally missed it. Thanks for pointing me to it. You can close or delete this thread if you want.

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