Ultra Automorph-P (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Ultra Automorph-P (6/8/2013 9:52:54)


Ultra Automorph-P

Name of Mecha in Series: Automorph-P, Prime Automorph-P, Mega Automorph-P, Master Automorph-P, Super Automorph-P, Maximum Automorph-P, Ultra Automorph-P, Optimal Automorph-P

Level: 33-37
Price: 33,000 Credits
Sellback: 3,300 Credits

Location: Star Captain's Club Mecha

HP: 529
EP: 450
EP Regen: 17

  • 70 Immobility

    Description: This mecha model transforms into a hovering vehicle for moving over tough terrain. Scales up to level 37!
    Image: Ultra Automorph-P

    Thanks to Vampire Fexy for images, blues for specials!

  • golden1231 -> RE: Ultra Automorph-P (6/8/2013 9:59:05)

    Heroic Punch

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Ranges: 61-65
    Damage Type: Ballistic
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 2
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • "Brawn Fist! +25% damage" - 125% damage
  • Chance for "Stings like a Bumblebee! -30 Defense" - Defense nerf of -30 Defense for 3 turns

    Combos: None

    Description: A quick dashing punch attack that has a high output and punches through enemy defense.
    Attack Image: Attacking!

    Morph Blaster

    Equip Slot: Back Arm
    Damage Ranges: 59-67
    Damage Type: Laser
    Hits: 3
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 2
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • 125% damage
  • Chance for additional hit
  • Hits 1 and 3: Each hit has chance for Defense nerf of -10 Defense for 2 turns

    Combos: None

    Description: A High caliber chain gun that shoots extra rounds and shreds enemy armor!
    Attack Image: Attacking!

  • golden1231 -> RE: Ultra Automorph-P (6/8/2013 9:59:30)

    Automorph Autogun

    Equip Slot: Front/Back Shoulder
    Damage Ranges: 59-67
    Damage Type: Explosive
    Hits: 4
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 2
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for an additional hit
  • Hits 2 and 4: Each hit has chance for Bonus buff of +20 Bonus for 3 turns

    Combos: None

    Description: High accuracy machine guns that hit with high damage shells. it can recalibrate your targeting sensors for improved attack bonuses.
    Attack Image: Attacking!

  • golden1231 -> RE: Ultra Automorph-P (6/8/2013 10:00:49)


    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage Ranges: 49-77
    Damage Type: Ballistic
    Hits: 6
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: Defense +5, Crit +5
    Special Effects:
  • Each hit has a chance for "Hot Rodding! Attack Bonus +10" - Bonus buff of +10 Bonus for 5 turns
  • Hits 1, 3, and 5: Chance for a crit

    Combos: None

    Description: Transform into Hover mode and charge at your enemy with high speed and laser pulses.
    Attack Image: Attacking!

    Master Head

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Ranges: 51-75
    Damage Type: Explosive
    Hits: 3
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Hit 1: Boost buff of +10 Boost for 5 turns
  • Hit 2: Boost buff of +15 Boost for 5 turns
  • Hit 3: Boost buff of +20 Boost for 5 turns -> stacks up to a total of +45 Boost for 5 turns
  • Hits 1 and 3: Chance for crit

    Combos: None

    Description: A head that can separate from the body attack! It has a high crit chance and increases weapon damage!
    Attack Image: Attacking!

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