RE: token gain change (Full Version)

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Mysterion. -> RE: token gain change (6/12/2013 8:41:56)


It's illogical to lose and get rewarded for it

And then

It's to maintain balance when it comes to rewards.

Other words:
Maintaining balance = illogical
That is what you are saying here.

toopygoo -> RE: token gain change (6/12/2013 15:41:00)



Tokens ARE gained from winning, but there are other ways of gaining them than just winning, therefore claiming the a win is a MUST in order to receive a token is invalid.

We're using PvP as an example here, don't try to turn it against me. We're excluding likes of missions that reward Tokens. Tokens are gained from winning and you get one per killed enemy only if you win the battle. It's illogical to lose and get rewarded for it or even reclaim the Token from the fallen enemy in the middle of the fight; you'd have it stolen from you once you're dead yourself - point?

Then why dont you gain 3 tokens from from beating an opponent who killed your teammate? i could live with that too. And i didnt "turn" anything against, i was emphasizing the the specific words which you should focus on in the sentence so you know the context in which i speak [erm..type]

You get one per killing an enemy: i approve, yes.
only if you win: this is the part i want to change. stating how it currently is does not affect your argument. the wiki does not say that winning battles is the only way to gain EXP, whereas it does say that battling is the only way to gain experience.

Bloodpact -> RE: token gain change (6/12/2013 18:30:49)


In most fights? Hardly

a typical 2v2 fight

Player A-----Player B

Player C-----Player D

Player A goes first, so Player A and B are on offense

Player A deals decent damage to C or D.

C or D then needs a shield or heal.

At which Point B jumps in and kills or brings them back down to low hp.

Player C and D try to cover the injured player while turning to offense now that heal is on cooldown.

Player C and D will weaken A or B to low hp before one of them dies off, then A and B will just recover
their inured player to ensure a victory, in which case Player's A and B sustain no loss.

Not always the case, because sometimes you run into noobs, with like 70 hp that end up on the winning side
They die off ,but distract enough to let their pro partner kill one , then the last surviving two duel.


Sometimes a full support is in the 2v2 where they will be first to get focused, but they will do a lot of damage
before they die, so their team will get one death, but still win.

There's a variety, but most end up with the team who goes first winning, by killing one person then healing up
to 2v1 the last person.

Ranloth -> RE: token gain change (6/12/2013 18:33:47)


Then why dont you gain 3 tokens from from beating an opponent who killed your teammate?

Is that a failed attempt at trolling? 1) Why would you rob your partner? 2) It's per enemy your team (or you) kill. 3) Mind = blown.

I'm not sure if I can take this seriously anymore, really. First I tried to raise a point, got some opinions back which is fair do but... this? It's going from serious to a joke, really. :I

Mother1 -> RE: token gain change (6/12/2013 18:48:07)

Not supported. Tokens are a reward for winning the battle mode you choose not for beating person but still losing.

toopygoo -> RE: token gain change (6/12/2013 21:14:21)


Is that a failed attempt at trolling? 1) Why would you rob your partner? 2) It's per enemy your team (or you) kill. 3) Mind = blown.

I'm not sure if I can take this seriously anymore, really. First I tried to raise a point, got some opinions back which is fair do but... this? It's going from serious to a joke, really. :I

Its not less valid than any of your points about "logic" you're not really "robbing your partner" because you earned that kill. he still gets one for winning, right? you said you get tokens for winning? he got his, and you got yours?

it sounds stupid right?
That's cause i literally took your argument and put it in the negative.* besides the point. you said we need a combination of logic and balance:
my proposition is that combination. right now its purely on"logic" (i am saying this in accordance to the arguments you have previously made), the balance would be rewarding players somewhat for getting A kill. same way as you get more credits and experience for killing 1 opponent, but not as much as if you killed two. exact same logic, and balance here. you get more than if you did nothing, be less than if you beat both.

Tokens are a reward for winning the battle mode you choose not for beating person but still losing.

this argument has been looked at from both sides and disregarded as far as i know, because neither came to a conclusion.

*to put one's ideas in the "negative": to take someone's idea and give them -100% of what they are saying, meaning you you use their logic to provide a counterargument, which goes against their beliefs/goals.
presented by Jules Verne first, arguing flying machines such as the designs of Da Vinci are fun to come up with, but impossible as are Digging devices and submersibles** (which were not invented yet in his time).

**His example was disproven, i am aware so no need to point that out.

Stabilis -> RE: token gain change (6/13/2013 12:25:27)

The only thing I am not fond of in this suggestion is losing a token to a kill-stealing partner.

Tri Phoenix -> RE: token gain change (6/13/2013 12:32:44)

well tokens wont be a problem from now on because they getting dissabled

toopygoo -> RE: token gain change (6/13/2013 15:58:16)

XD agreed lol ... well its been a fun debate, guys.

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