RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Redingard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/10/2013 21:49:36)


I don't use a lot of time for OS, so I don't have good CC. I've already wasted over 200K gold on Shadow Cards, but have only gotten 1 515 card and the rest were 202s or something.

...yeah. CC sucks in the regard of getting cards.

DarkLore -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/10/2013 21:55:57)

I agree Redingard. I read a lot of people burnt tons of soulgems and still got bad cards.

Dread97 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/10/2013 22:34:33)

@BJEBLE was fun dueling you, hope to do it again sometime :)

on a different note, does anyone know what this week's update will be?

Char -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/10/2013 23:23:29)

'@Dread: The release is probably going to be CC for Fire or Energy or Earth

And some new characters whose element will depend on what this week's CC element is. :)


Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/10/2013 23:29:32)

Really hoping it's a energy CC, I love all the energy characters <3

clintonian -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/10/2013 23:40:25)

If energy cc is next i hope hex gets released

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/10/2013 23:51:45)

That would be awesome and I know it would make a certain person really happy *looks at Alpha Seagull*

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 4:34:38)

Fire needs more characters. I think that the time of September, we should have at least 16 characters for each element, if not more because 11 characters versus Shadow's 59 characters is a little extreme.
EDIT, If it were up to me the remaining CC releases should be like this: Fire, Energy, Earth, Chaos(?) I think it would be nice to introduce Chaos like that, and it ties up the first CC cycle, so we can move on to other stuff(Also, with OS Birthday around next release time, Nulgath might make the Void Knight evo a different element.Think about it, a Fire/Earth/Energy VK)

master x guardian -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 7:51:57)

Bought about 20 Light packs and the best cards I got were a Blessed Strike and two 525 attack cards. However, for Neutral I bought only four and got a Corruption each time plus one Death Flow...

I wish that luck could transfer to Light :(

necro rouge -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 9:28:24)

I am really looking forward to this release. Maybe i can fnally get an energy legendary.

clintonian -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 12:11:12)

is weteye hard to find cause i did 10 fights and found it and got it first try lol

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 12:40:46)

Yeah clintonian it's pretty elusive, that's why it costs so much gold I reckon. Grats!

The remaining elements are Fire, Energy, and Earth. And Chaos. xD I would be happy with any of those. Except Chaos, but I'm not really worried lol.

necro rouge -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 15:01:01)

it is pretty rare yeah, i spent over a week just chasing after it.

i think you are confusing weteye with water tick

the warden -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 15:43:06)

so sinse the new release is cc then the light packs getting removed correct?
Below: thought so thanks

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 16:20:00)


And you're right Necro I am. x)

unicron -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 18:18:13)

Am I the only one who hasn't bothered getting CCs?

the warden -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 18:39:37)

is the openbucks thing slow for anyone else when trying to get SGS?
Its being stupidly slow to even get to the giftcard selection thing....
anyone know how to fix it so it works or no?

kise2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 18:45:22)


Nope it's fine for me, I just hope this release will give me something to do. I haven't even been on since last release.

unicron -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 19:01:27)

@above I haven't been on much. I've lost the patience and motivation to get the hard to get characters so i'm not on as much as I used to. So I hope there's stuff to do here.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 19:06:10)

I really should be more active on this part of the forum >_>

Anyway excited to see what Nulgath and Co are planning for tomorrow. We are gonna have a release tomorrow, right? Or did we already have a release last friday? I'm quite confused...

unicron -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 19:14:14)

@vagaran I don't believe we did. Hope we get some cool characters!

TheSage -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 20:20:46)

There will be a release tomorrow, but i am not at liberty to say whats in it lol

I will just remind you guys and gals, the CC packs getting released now are permanent additions to the game and will be coming back in a seasonal rotation. So if you missed out on getting a card from it this time, there is always next time.

the warden -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 20:52:33)

Thesage: whats it mean that they say series one on them though? wouldnt they be series 2 next or no?
ok thanks, i just thought sinse it said series one that they would go rare after.

TheSage -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 21:23:04)

That is just how they got labeled, the label could change when they come back or remain the same, but the cards in them WILL return as these packs are the basic elemental packs. It could be that more advanced elemental packs could use the same label with a different number, but i don't really know what is planned that far in advanced. So my guess is as good as yours as to what is planned with the labels later on. For now they are the 1st set in that element and that is all i know.

Agaraoth2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 127 - READ THE FIRST POST (7/11/2013 22:12:49)

What's up guys i've been sick for a few weeks so could you guys inform me whats the latests for OS

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