Musicaholic -> Last edited by... (6/16/2013 12:45:08)
Is there a way to remove the "Last edited by <name>..." text that appears when you make an edit? It sort of bothers me being there.
zippy2010 -> RE: Last edited by... (6/16/2013 12:59:01)
It shows only when you edit something from the next minute. But if you don't want you can hide it by using this code at last of your post.
Others/you can still see it if you select the text.
Edit: An eg. drag your mouse below by clicking it
This is an example. Look no edit below. Cool na
Musicaholic -> RE: Last edited by... (6/16/2013 13:05:32)
Ah, thank you!
XapApp -> RE: Last edited by... (6/17/2013 3:11:34)
Eukara Vox:
I will add to this that if you use the "invisible text" to hide select content of your post, it looks highly suspect and in most cases will be removed. In that case, it is considered unnecessary formatting, which falls under spam. Most people who hide their content are hiding rule breaking.