Legion VS Exile. (Full Version)

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Fireball1257 -> Legion VS Exile. (6/17/2013 2:08:23)

Been waiting for 6 Minutes..

No Fights...

Im writing this as I am waiting...

No Fights..

Devs Stahp.

Please, We need something done.

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Legion VS Exile. (6/17/2013 2:28:40)

Seems you're more likely Ironically to get into 2v2 which I really don't like so I tried my level 33, no 1v1s, tried my 31, so I'm doing random whatevers in OverSoul : (

TankMage -> RE: Legion VS Exile. (6/17/2013 5:50:49)

Locking up, you may use this thread: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21321611 for discussing the change.

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