golden1231 -> RE: Valoth's Epic Shredder F Series (6/17/2013 21:53:47)
[image][/image] Valoth's Epic Shredder F16 Level: 16 Price: 19,200 Credits Sellback: 1,920 Credits Location: EPIC Ltd. Time Arms Equip Slot: Front Arm Damage Type: Plasma Damage: 40-44 Hits: 5 Energy: 24 Cooldown: 3 Bonuses: None Special Effects: Numbers are NSC (SC) Hit 5: Chance for crit Bonus nerf of -6 (-8) Bonus per successful hit, lasts for 3 turns Against ShadowScythe enemies: Boost nerf of -6 (-7) Boost per hit, lasts for 3 turns Commemorative only: Damage boost of +20% (+25%) and Bonus boost of +50 (+60) Bonus against ShadowScythe and EbilCorp enemies SC Only: - Hit 1: Reduces Immobility resist by 70
- Hit 2: Stun attempt
Description: Combo defensive/offensive weapon with an explosive critical hit. Ltd-time Epic commemorates the 3013 Shadowscythe Epic Conclusion! X-damage & BtH vs. ShS & EbilCorp. Image: Valoth's Epic Shredder F16, Attacking!