Um, what? (Full Version)

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Tha Killa -> Um, what? (6/17/2013 22:52:19)

Hey everyone, I would just like to know how come I lost nearly 9000 posts? I checked my post count not long ago and it was over 9300, so how come I'm now at 621? Did something change in the forum? Cleared cache and nothing changed.

Thank you.

Char -> RE: Um, what? (6/17/2013 22:59:18)

There was a forum reset,


A couple days ago the forums were down for a bit for a server move (according to the page that appeared when attempting to log in). It would seem many of the posts may not have been carried over, thus dropping post counts. Not sure of my exact number as I only take note the rare times I look at my profile, but I dropped from somewhere near 5,000 a couple weeks ago to ~400 then as well.

All recent posts still appear to exist, so it seems it was only rather old posts that have been removed (which happens over time in most sections anyway). So nothing to worry about ultimately, it's really only a number.

More details Here

Tha Killa -> RE: Um, what? (6/17/2013 23:04:58)

...Wow, I wish I didn't lose so many though[:o]

That was lightning quick, thanks:)

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