Legendium -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/20/2013 14:18:07)
You're an AK now? Sweet! Another AK for the Celestial Guardians! ^_^ Pity I'm no longer with you guys. Yes. Yes I am. It is sad that you had to go but nonetheless, thanks and hello. So, right..... Questions..... Great... and I thought exams were tedious. When did you first find out about the forums? It is pretty funny if you remember my old name hehehe. I first heard of them since I tried to look at what happen after the Trumpha war in AQ. (Instead I somehow landed in L&L. xD) But when I really firsted join it was during the Second Zardbie war and I thought "Hey, I might as well tell everyone that I am going to help! Yeah!" And boy was it a good decision considering now... If you could create any single piece of technology that has never been made before, what would you make? I wish I could create something called the Smart-o-tron. Helps make everyone smart. [>:] Have you ever read A Song of Ice and Fire? Sadly no. I heard of it but I have never went to read it exactly. If not, go read the books. You won't regret it....... You know... if I have the time and Mom lets me then I guess I will. If yes, aside from Tyrion Lannister (Everyone likes him, so don't count him), who is your favorite character and which is your least favorite? Does this count as a question if I forget to add a question mark at the end. Yes, anything that you ask even without a question mark is a question. Grammar and English is so nice isn't it? Well..... What else can I ask? (That doesn't count as a question!) What should you ask? And it does count. What is 55.4563 dived by the factor of 2^45 multiplied with 2317, divided by pi, fed to a cat, used to fertilize a tree which is later cut down to be used as a house which then burns in the Great Fire of London, later of which the ashes are used by a witch from the stone age to make a poultice which is transported to the cyberworld to be used in a video game as a healing spell. What is the outcome written in Cosine? ........ I may like math but... and what is Cosine? ._. Yes. I am perfectly sane. Yeah... sure you are. Well, that should be all for now.... *starts thinking about how best to touch wolf without getting hand ripped off* ... What wolf? Is there one behind me or something? Oh wait, this isn't one of Ging's MTAKs. Oops. ... How... Welp, bye then. Valar Morghulis. *Changes face and walks away* Alright then. Bye and thanks. I saw that...