Swapping Super Charge for BM. (Full Version)

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ValkyrieKnight -> Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 2:42:57)

I know the developers were trying to give BMs more options other than dex/str builds but them tech moves gotta go, they're useless ( especially super charge ) has anyone ever in the history of Epic Duel centered their build around tech, or more specifically super charge? No, cause we don't have a good method of regenerating energy.

My suggestion would be to replace super charge with a buff similar to Blood Shield ( the TLM ability ) however, instead of trading Health for Resistance, trade Health for Strength. I'm thinking.

1 Hp = 10 Strength
2 Hp = 15 Strength
3 Hp = 20 Strength
5 Hp = 25 Strength
7 Hp = 28 Strength
9 Hp = 31 Strength
11 Hp = 34 Strength
14 Hp = 36 Strength
17 Hp = 38 Strength
20 Hp = 40 Strength

And Have it last 4 turns similar to Mercenary's strength buff.

Requirement none
Improve with support at 1 strength per 3 support.

I decided support because admittedly like myself, I see a great many of BMs with 18 support.

Scyze -> RE: Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 2:44:52)

The Class already has 2 buffs (Defense Matrix and Energy Shield) and there's no point on giving them three. You're also removing their main attack...

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 2:53:37)

Hmm, you're right about the 3 buff issue, hmm... What do you mean about "main attack" though? You mean their super? Nobody ever uses that.

Bloodpact -> RE: Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 3:03:09)

would need to replace it with a new ultimate. something with dmg
something unblockable, that's the guidelines they all follow.

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 4:51:58)

Swap it with anything, just not SuperCharge. All it does is reduce def 20% and attacks, so it's a maul without the stun chance? BM already has BL and last I heard it doesn't stack with SuperCharge.

santonik -> RE: Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 9:31:26)

Maybe this can be help Bloodmag.

Today SuperCharge dont be good synergy bloodmage.

Whati if
----New move can hit physical damage
----Can give energy back--why this way.Because techmage gain healt.Why not BM gain energy.
----Same redused affect

Basic idea is same what is super charge But this is physical and modyfy to BloodMage synergy better.

I see very similar suggestion before. So i dont take this honour or credits ^^

bountysai -> RE: Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 12:15:39)

supported.now bm is the most nerfed according to me.

Ranloth -> RE: Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 12:25:08)

Then it must be your build. BMs hadn't had many nerfs unless it was DA or Fireball. That's all. Nothing else but stat progression have affected it. BMs are still balanced but you don't see a lot of them because there are stronger builds or fast-kill ones that people go for.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 14:03:56)

What about a massacre like attack? The BM just drops his staff and runs in there and instead of stabbing with daggers just punches at the enemy with his fists.

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 19:06:33)

Actually I really like Satonic's take on SuperCharge Changing SuperCharge's 30% health absorption to 30% energy absorption isn't that bad. BM is the only class that can't drain anyone's energy. Still, it'll be a tough move to use since that'd only be their energy stealing move. Also, how do you use a move that requires energy and then steals energy? Would be an interesting approach to have it use health instead of energy E.G.

Blood Charge

Fires an meteor ignoring 20% of the target's physical defense; 30% energysteal

Weapon Required: Staff

Level Required: 10
Improves with: Health: 1 damage per 2 health

Level 1: 20 health 36-44 Physical Damage
Level 2: 22 health 39-47 Physical Damage
Level 3: 24 health 42-50 Physical Damage
Level 4: 26 health 45-53 Physical Damage
Level 5: 28 health 48-56 Physical Damage
Level 6: 30 health 51-59 Physical Damage
Level 7: 32 health 54-62 Physical Damage
Level 8: 34 health 57-65 Physical Damage
Level 9: 37 health 60-68 Physical Damage
Level 10: 40 health 63-71 Physical Damage

More or less the opposite of SuperCharge which uses energy and steals health.

VampiMas -> RE: Swapping Super Charge for BM. (6/21/2013 19:26:05)

Valkyrie i think u mean improves with strength as its completely mixed up if it consumes health instead of energy as we regain health according to damage due to blood lust but the idea of changing super charge is perfect as if we ever try to use it we get energy drained(as most classes energy drain now either with core or skill) i fully support this but i dont think a meteor is enough for us [8D]

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