Fist of Energy (Full Version)

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Koree -> Fist of Energy (6/21/2013 11:51:32)

Fist of Energy

«Accurate Melee Energy weapon with an uncommon Special.»

Also see other Fist weapons:Level: 15
Power Level: 15
Price: 43
Sellback: 21
Location: Yulgar's Beginner Shop

Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Damage: 5-15
BTH: 2

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Damage: 395.0% Base and Random
Stats: No normal Stats; 199.0% Lucky Strike damage
BTH: +7
Rate: 10%

All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials gain +5 BTH but deal *85/90 damage.

Focus shocking energy into your hands, using your bare hands to strike results in less power, but a great deal of accuracy due to the swift strikes!


Image thanks to Syth. Basic stats thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Numbers thanks to Kamui.

Koree -> RE: Fist of Energy (6/21/2013 11:51:41)

Fist of Energy

«Accurate Melee Energy weapon with an uncommon Special.»

Also see other Fist weapons:Level: 55
Power Level: 55
Price: 1,115
Sellback: 557
Location: Yulgar's Intermediate Shop

Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Damage: 9-27
BTH: 7

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Damage: 958.0% Base and Random
Stats: No normal Stats; 463.0% Lucky Strike damage
BTH: +23
Rate: 10%

All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials gain +5 BTH but deal *85/90 damage.

Focus shocking energy into your hands, using your bare hands to strike results in less power, but a great deal of accuracy due to the swift strikes!


Image thanks to Syth. Basic stats thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Numbers thanks to Kamui.

Koree -> RE: Fist of Energy (6/21/2013 11:51:51)

Fist of Energy

«Accurate Melee Energy weapon with an uncommon Special.»

Also see other Fist weapons:Level: 95
Power Level: 95
Price: 70,781
Sellback: 35,390
Location: Yulgar's Intermediate Shop

Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Damage: 12-36
BTH: 12

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Damage: 1490.0% Base and Random
Stats: No normal Stats; 727.0% Lucky Strike damage
BTH: +40
Rate: 10%

All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials gain +5 BTH but deal *85/90 damage.

Focus shocking energy into your hands, using your bare hands to strike results in less power, but a great deal of accuracy due to the swift strikes!


Image thanks to Syth. Basic stats thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Numbers thanks to Kamui.

Koree -> RE: Fist of Energy (6/21/2013 11:52:01)

Fist of Energy

«Accurate Melee Energy weapon with an uncommon Special.»

Also see other Fist weapons:Level: 135
Power Level: 135
Price: 4,599,098
Sellback: 2,299,549
Location: Yulgar's Advanced Shop

Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Damage: 15-44
BTH: 17

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Damage: 1867.0% Base and Random
Stats: No normal Stats; 991.0% Lucky Strike damage
BTH: +51
Rate: 10%

All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials gain +5 BTH but deal *85/90 damage.

Focus shocking energy into your hands, using your bare hands to strike results in less power, but a great deal of accuracy due to the swift strikes!


Image thanks to Syth. Basic stats thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Numbers thanks to Kamui.

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