Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/25/2013 15:09:28)


So here's my proposal.

We play a game that's sort of like Risk, conquering areas as indicated by the map by the black lines. I gave each clan 3 areas and their own color that indicates the areas they control. The white areas are not owned by anyone at the start of the game.

Battles would happen in the weekend, but it'd be up to the clans to discuss where they intend to attack. There would also be a GameMaster, who's job is to collect the attack plans of each clan, which they would provide to him/her by PM.

After the weekend comes, there's the usual score tally thing. Maybe like... if two clans are going for the same uncontested area, the one who manages to raise their Defense Score more wins the spot. Attacking a clan would require for their Defense Score to drop below what it started as.

As another example, say Dynami is going after B7, but Igneus decides that they will attack owned Dynami lands. At the end of the weekend, Igneus has successfully lowered Dynami's D.S. which will result in their attempted capture of B7 to fail. This is a tad easier to do than to somehow keep score on the Dynami's attempted capture of B7 AND Igneus' attack on Dynami lands, that'd then occur in Dynami possibly capturing B7 but also losing an area to Igneus.

If anyone has better ideas for these, do tell.


The attack plans have ONE little thing to 'em. They will only be revealed AFTER each weekend plan. Sure, the clans can go about diplomacy and make treaties and plans, but for the sake of the game's secrecy and THRILL, we politely ask that they keep such actions a secret. Anyway, after the weekend is over, the map is updated along information being given out who did what, attacked who, repelled who's attack and so on.

The first round will sort of be crucial, as it will give each clan an idea which clan they should focus their effort afterwards, one way or another.

Also, each clan can only take ONE action per weekend. Like attack an enemy clan area or try to capture a free area.

Speaking of which, the free areas are currently labelled as A, B and C.

B currently has a LOT of free spots, but it's sort of a historical area so I figured it would be allright to make it tougher to control. In case people are upset about it, go ahead and say and I can cut down on 'em.

A is the route for Glacius, Nocturu and Geoto to go about in their own corner, primarily for Glacius since they lack any contact to the mainland, just like Aerodu, who have the C area for them, along Igneus and Nautica.

While Glacius really has no chance right now but to attempt capture of either A1 or A2, depending who they wish to go after, Aerodu has the chance of either capturing C2 or attacking Nautica.

I figured the best way to go about the uncontested areas which connect some Paxia areas to the main one is to make it a 2-step thing, so it won't be that Aerodu makes one move and by next week they're ready to invade the mainland.

I figured I might do a summary of the rules explained above in details:
-Monday to Friday, you get to decide where to attack. Battles for taking control of an occupied area are done during the weekend. The clan who has gained the most points wins. If the two or more clans manage to beat the defender's score raise, the defending clan lose, and the area is given to the clan who had a higher increase in points.
-Battles begin at Saturday 01:00 AM to Monday 01:00AM AQ Server Time (GMT-5 Eastern Timezone).
-You have until Saturday at 01:00 to AM your clan's battle plan to the GM (me). If it's not received by the GM until then, the clan is considered skipping it's turn.
-Battles are done in the Adventurer Server (free button on the homepage) to give a fair chance for every player to participate.
-Each clan has two actions during the week.

As to not create any confusion or things that might get this thread delete, THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL SUGGESTION FOR PAXIA IN-GAME!
This will be some sort of contest game for Paxians to play in, to fill the huge gap of inactivity so we can actually do something.

This game has been going on for a while the current map is above (or will be when I update it).

See previous thread for previous rounds.

hict98 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/25/2013 18:06:08)

So do we post here about how we wish to decide the future of this game?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/26/2013 15:11:41)

With Eukara's Paxia event coming and the need for a new thread it may be a good time to start a new game, but it is up to you, personally i have no issues with continuing.

hict98 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/27/2013 0:58:21)

I personally wish to continue.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/27/2013 10:33:10)

I vote continue. With the war not this week do we play this weekend?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/28/2013 7:45:36)

I think it may be best to leave it this week, we want all Paxia's best well rested for the war.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/28/2013 10:19:06)

Sounds good to me. I could use a weekend off.

hict98 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/28/2013 16:42:10)

Well now it seems that the war won't be next week either. So we aren't doing PUC this week? Sounds alright.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/29/2013 14:47:35)

Ok this weekend we are all having off, use it to rest up for the Paxia event or, if need be, to update your equipment.

hict98 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/30/2013 3:41:14)

Are we not going to do next weekend either since it is Independence Weekend next week?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (6/30/2013 9:03:10)

We will see, if the Paxia war is next week then we definately won't be playing, if it is not we might do; depends on if people want to.

EDIT: We will be playing this coming weekend, starting Saturday 13th, continuing from where we left off, unless the Paxia war is brought forward. Please remember to send in plans.

hict98 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 17:41:40)

Oh good this will be a nice warm up for when the war comes.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 18:08:11)

Does that mean that Aerodu and Geoto will be the only clans to participate in this weekend?

If so do we other clans get to choose which clan we wish to fight alongside?

hict98 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 18:17:47)

@Tommy Yes the only clans that will be participating are Aerodu and Geoto. I'm not entirely sure if you helping is exactly against the rules of this, but I'm sure it will be okay if you want to help out one of the clans.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 18:20:34)

Then I shall will personally fight for Geoto (I like the challenge of helping them back considering they have less positions that Aerodu :D)

hict98 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 18:26:57)

@Tommy sounds good to me. Just so you know though, Geoto isn't really losing by much and according to people who have been doing this longer than me, they have made comebacks before.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 18:27:05)

Your help will be most welcome.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 18:36:29)

Well it seems that Aerodu has twice as many areas and although I used to be in Aerodu (for pretty much my character's entire life :L) I will go with a different clan.

Don't worry hict I won't be turning away from Aerodu forever! It is still my second favourite clan :P

hict98 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 19:04:11)

@Tommy Oh I'm not worried. Also now that you mention it, I didn't realize how ahead we were. Wow congrats to Aerodu.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 19:33:34)

Indeed, Aerodu, Geoto and Dynami have indeed helped keep the PUC alive and to that the Moogle is eternally grateful. Nocturu also helped at the start too, so hats off there as well.

So yeah, we should keep it going until the war is known to be coming.

0Neo -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 19:38:08)

this sounds interesting, might participate as well

I would rather help Geoto though

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 19:39:54)

The more the merrier, especially when they side with Geoto, lets see if we can turn things around this weekend.

hict98 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/9/2013 20:54:21)

Hmm the reinforcements for Geoto might prove to quite the obstacle for us. Challenge Accepted!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/10/2013 5:29:56)

Certainly looks like this weekend will be interesting, remember to use the adventurer server everyone.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 4 (7/10/2013 9:39:35)

Hey guys, thought I would pop in. I will not be fighting this week since I am still at camp but I have sent the plans to Oliver. Fight well Aerodu.

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