Custom Avatars (Full Version)

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NurseRedheartFiM -> Custom Avatars (6/26/2013 17:34:07)

Is there a way to set custom avatars, i.e upload them from my computer?

I'm fine with this one, I mean she's adorable, ^^ but I have a specific picture that I even have saved in a special "Avatars" folder that I usually use.

Arthur -> RE: Custom Avatars (6/26/2013 17:42:32)


Hey Nurse,

Really sorry but only forumites with titles like Friendly, Creative, Constructive etc. Or ArchKnights or Moderators get to have custom avatars other than those provided by AE.
Additionally, these titles that I mentioned above need to be earnt by being in your best forum behaviour.
Over time, you might get noticed and bestowed with the abovementioned honours. :)
I hope that helped.

Char -> RE: Custom Avatars (6/26/2013 18:55:11)


11) "How do I get a custom title?"


There are several different types of special titles.
First off, truly customized titles are generally reserved for Moderators, ArchKnights, and the forum beta-testers. ArchKnights generally have "Arch"-something somewhere in their titles as well as the forums where they work.
Second, there are some titles that are granted for doing something really cool or winning a contest.
Third, there are titles that go with group membership -- such as Advanced Roleplayers.
Fourth, there are titles like Helpful/Creative/Friendly/Constructive, which are granted, respectively, to people who are very helpful and go above and beyond the call of duty to aid their fellow forumites, and to people who really wow us with some cool art or writing.
There is a guide on this subject in the Crucial Forum Information board: Forum ranks/groups/titles


12) "How do I get a custom avatar?"


The ability to upload a custom avatar is granted to people with a Helpful or Creative title, ArchKnights, Moderators, and other staff members. It is also granted to some people for past service such as the old Grand Council, forum beta testing, etc. Advanced Roleplayers and other group members do not get upload rights unless they have it from some other source. Some official contests will have a specific avatar as a prize that is not available to other forum members.
We limit custom avatars to certain people because otherwise the forums would be overloaded with even small images.

Quoted from the Forum Frequently Asked Questions

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