I feel so old. (Full Version)

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OcarinaofTime -> I feel so old. (7/2/2013 3:07:36)

Well, it's been forever since I've been on here, but I've just been having some killer ideas for characters and a story I'd love to throw up on a forum somewhere. Seeing as this is where I pretty much discovered what RPing was, I was hoping some of you young-bloods would give an old member some catching up and a slot in an RP. Also, why are there so few RPs? I remember when there were easily 20 RPs active at a time.

Arthur -> RE: I feel so old. (7/2/2013 3:30:19)

Hey there OoT,

This is what happened.


Starstruck -> RE: I feel so old. (7/2/2013 3:40:16)

...I'd poke a different thread, Art. Or just the new RPA subforum in general.

Here is good reading.
Here is more good reading.

These are a little more...shall we say, informative? In that jars actually lists stuff and answers questions! :3

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