Mains & alts (Full Version)

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The Incredible Hulk -> Mains & alts (7/5/2013 17:31:07)

Basically my main has a ratio in 2v2 of 70% but my alt (level 31) has a ratio of 80% in 2v2.
For 1v1 my main has a ratio of 78% but my alt has a ratio of 89%.

Now to me; I think I do much better in my alt rather then my main for reasons such as:
-I'm quite an experienced player in the game which has played this game for 2 years +
-I know how the mechanics work in the game.
- I know what strategies to use.

Another point why my main looks horrible (% wise) is most of the times I make random builds which don't even work; while on my alt, I try not to muck around with random, funny, trolly builds.

Do you do much better on your alt rather then on your main? or vice versa? Why do you think you're doing better?Discuss.

Q...Q -> RE: Mains & alts (7/5/2013 17:39:40)

Because you are hulk , it explains everything.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Mains & alts (7/5/2013 17:43:59)

Sometimes I make alts, but it's only for the fun of playing through at lower levels again. If I want to play completely seriously I use my main. On my main, though, I may try and pull off some strange and unique builds (or I used to when it was actually slightly feasible in previous phases), but they're always made with logic and the hope that they would actually be quite successful.

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Mains & alts (7/6/2013 0:11:57)

With Alts you already have experience with the game and that experience carries on while the level of opponents goes down. I've seen numerous people at the lower levels abusing the same OP builds 35s use ( which is a shame when I saw it ) making it very easy to pummel through hoards of lower levels. Anyone with a Mercenary knows a Bunker Cannon abusing build wipes out the majority of inexperience new players with ease.

Mother1 -> RE: Mains & alts (7/6/2013 0:43:42)

@ valkyrie

That is all I see at the lower levels with my alts. Quick kill builds that wipe out any type of creativity due to the fact that if you aren't using them you get killed in two turns by them due to having high offensive power without strong enough defenses to stop these.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Mains & alts (7/6/2013 1:41:28)

Yea, lots of lower level BHs are simply investing in only smoke and blood lust...

nico0las -> RE: Mains & alts (7/6/2013 3:15:23)

I'm going to agree with Q...Q here and say I laughed at this.

Your explanation is excellent, I've just never seen need or incentive to create an alt, personally.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Mains & alts (7/6/2013 3:18:36)

Well I have alot of alts from the range of 30-35, 20-30 and 10-20.

Reasons why? Love getting experience I guess. If their was a possibility to join all my accounts in one; I would be on 2v2 leaderboards.

martinsen5 -> RE: Mains & alts (7/6/2013 7:42:09)

My alts have much better win ratios than my main since they're both lower levels and have better builds in general than my main lvl 35 BH.

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Mains & alts (7/6/2013 9:47:11)

I have Alts because arguably it's way more fun at lower levels than it is higher levels though I've played little in Omega with lower levels. My lowest level is a 24 mercenary that I eventually played to turn Tact Merc.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Mains & alts (7/6/2013 14:19:11)

I play on my alts because you can get away with noob builds

CN2025 -> RE: Mains & alts (7/14/2013 2:15:16)

my alts are all low lvls lol

King Helios -> RE: Mains & alts (7/14/2013 10:58:02)

I play on my alts for faster wins (ex: 2v2 boards), and because it's fun.

DunkThatOreo -> RE: Mains & alts (7/14/2013 13:22:51)

I only play my alt these days because as Hulk said, I like getting experience and leveling up since it's the only thing you can do in this game before you reach the level cap.

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