NDB -> RE: Fighting lvl 35's (7/10/2013 18:26:32)
The level range from levels 1-30 is 4. So the lowest level player a level 30 can fight is a level 26, yet the highest they can fight is 35. And then from levels 31-35, you can fight players 5 levels lower instead of 4 and the highest level players you can fight is whatever is left. But, through that logic, the lowest level players a level 31 can fight should be 26, but that contradicts the fist part that 26s cannot fight level 31s. So, the lowest level a 31 can fight is 27 while the highest remains 35. The same can be applied to levels 32 (28-35s), 33 (29-35s) and 34 (30-30s). That being said, it is especially hard on level 30-34.