RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/21/2013 21:20:48)

Mooncrest Staff

Level: 150
Power Level: 153, Mastercraft
Price: 12,102,583 Gold
Sellback: 6,051,291 Gold
Location: BattleOn » (Today's Event » Golden Giftbox l Valencia » What are Golden Giftboxes? » Yes l House » Golden Giftbox Painting » Teleport) » Open Box » [link=URL]Golden Gifboxes Rares Shop[/link]

Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage: 14-34
BTH: 19

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Light

A staff with a crescent blade on the end, this magical weapon hits with a bit more punch than most staves, but it is a bit more unwieldy because of it. It also has a very rare, but quite powerful special attack!


  • I'm NOT 100% sure if its special has 2 hits or 3 hits because it does a bit too fast to me.
  • I'm also NOT 100% sure if it has a Mastercraft bonus.

    Below: Thanks Carandor for the additional info. [;)]

  • Carandor -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/21/2013 21:30:05)

    Originally posted by trans


    [20:17:59] <Kamui> Fire/Ice seeking pet for UR and Light Magic weapon with a *0.85/0.84 damage multiplier but +3 BtH (-1 BtH lean but +4 BtH for MC) and with a 5% special.

    So yeah it has an MC bonus

    moe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/22/2013 8:52:52)

    Here you go Bu Kek

    Mooncrest Staff

    Level: 150
    Power Level: 153, Mastercraft
    Price: 12,102,583 Gold
    Sellback: 6,051,291 Gold
    Location: BattleOn » (Today's Event » Golden Giftbox l Valencia » What are Golden Giftboxes? » Yes l House » Golden Giftbox Painting » Teleport) » Open Box » [link=URL]Golden Gifboxes Rares Shop[/link]

    Type: Magic
    Element: Light
    Damage: 14-34
    BTH: 19

    Hits: 2
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light
    Rate 5%

    A staff with a crescent blade on the end, this magical weapon hits with a bit more punch than most staves, but it is a bit more unwieldy because of it. It also has a very rare, but quite powerful special attack!


  • Has a mastercraft bonus of +4 BtH
  • Has a *0.85/0.84 damage multiplier but deals +3 BtH due to the mastercraft bonus

  • Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/22/2013 18:52:04)

    Update: The Battleon Card Deck is now rare. Goodbye, Battleon Card Deck!


    Mooncrest Staff

    Magic Light staff

    +3 BtH ~ *85/84 damage on all normal player attacks and weapon Specials.

    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Base	4	6	8	9	10	12	13	14
    Rand	5	8	10	12	15	15	17	20
    BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Proc	5	5	5	5	5	5	5	5
    SBR	5.11	9.08	13.4	17.39	20.99	25.27	27.73	27.62
    SLS	1.66	2.98	4.3	5.62	6.94	8.26	9.58	11.1
    SBtH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54
    Price	19	58	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583
    Sell	9	29	184	1439	11554	93102	750571	6051291

    Old Mooncrest Staff

    -1 BTH ~ *85/84 damage on all normal player attacks and weapon specials.

    MC: +4 BTH (already included in the database BTH below).

    Level	35
    Type	G
    PLvl	41
    Base	7
    Rand	9
    BtH	9
    Proc	5
    SBR	11.34
    SLS	3.71
    SBtH	17
    MCPrice	178
    MCSell	89
    Quoting since Ward_Point already got these. ~Koree

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/23/2013 12:16:57)

  • Ninemares = Done!
  • Mooncrest Staff = Done!



    «Ice Melee sword with no Special. Mastercraft; can be selected to deal Darkness damage instead.»

    Location: Given automatically to players who purchase the 7,500 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Ninemares shop. The version of the weapon is based on the level of the character.

    Player	0-59	60-79	80-99	100-119	120-139	140+
    Weapon	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC
    Price	739	5758	46217	372410	3002287	24205166
    Sell	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583

    Type: Melee
    Element: Ice (or Darkness; see Effect)

    Damage	9-27	10-32	12-35	13-40	15-44	16-48
    BTH	7	9	12	14	17	19


  • Click the weapon to toggle between Ice and Darkness damage.
  • All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials deal 109% damage.

    This blade is forged from the souls of nine demonic horses, granting it powerful otherworldly flames that allow it to swap between Ice and Darkness damage when you click it!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Format and additional help thanks to Koree.


    October 31, 2013: The weapon was released.
    ..... --, 2013: The weapon became rare.

  • I'm not sure about the exact release date of the weapon, I'll leave it to an AK to fix it if needed.
  • At the moment the weapon is still available.
  • I just added rare tags for the future as it'll go rare soon.

  • Got it, thanks. ~Baron


    Mooncrest Staff

    «Light Magic staff.»

    Also see the old Mooncrest Staff (35)

    Location: Golden Giftboxes - Rare shop

    Type								G
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Price	19	58	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583
    Sell	9	29	184	1439	11554	93102	750571	6051291

    Type: Magic
    Element: Light

    Damage	4-9	6-14	8-18	9-21	10-25	12-27	13-30	14-34
    BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19

    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light

    BR%	170.3	302.7	446.7	579.7	699.7	842.3	924.3	920.7
    LS%	55.3	99.3	143.3	187.3	231.3	275.3	319.3	370
    BtH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54
    Rate: 5%

  • All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials gain +3 BTH and deal *85/84 damage.

    A staff with a crescent blade on the end, this magical weapon hits with a bit more punch than most staves, but it is a bit more unwieldy because of it. It also has a very rare, but quite powerful special attack!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Format and additional help thanks to Koree. Additional info thanks to Kamui, Trans and Carandor.


    November 21, 2013: The weapon was released.
    December 20, 2013: The weapon became rare.

    Updated version of the old Mooncrest Staff (35)

    Mooncrest Staff

    «Light Magic staff.»

    Also see the new versions of [link=URL]Mooncrest Staff[/link]

    Location: Guardian Shop

    Type	G
    Level	35
    PowLvl	41 MC
    Price	178
    Sell	89

    Type: Magic
    Element: Light

    Damage	7-16
    BtH	9

    Hits: 1
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light
    BR%	1134
    LS%	371
    BtH	17
    Rate: 5%

  • All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials take -1 BTH and deal *85/84 damage.

    A bladed light staff that creates a laser beam from moonlight.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Thanks to Mysticforce, Battleonknight and Rayf. New image thanks to the AQ Wiki (via JMill). Updated stats from In Media Res, Aelthai, and Everest.


    ..... --, 20--: The weapon was released.
    ..... --, 20--: The weapon became rare.

  • Entries:
  • Ninemares = Done!
  • Mooncrest Staff = Done!

  • 1stClassGenesis -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/24/2013 11:28:04)


    The Mourn Staff (135) was able to inflict a 25% chance of Afraid on The Reaper (120) (0% Ice).
    Tsk. This looks like a bug with the Afraid status - the Mourn Staff tries to do 1 turn of 0% Fear, but the status interprets the 0% chance the same was as "undefined", so it goes to its default (which is 25% [*points at all early uses of Fear, which were all 4 turns of 25%*]).

    I've fixed the Mourn Staff so that it only attempts to make the monster Afraid if the monster's Ice resistance is >0.

    Also, it now works on Ice monsters (whose Ice resistance is >0), since those two things serve the same thematic purpose, so it only needs one of them. Thanks! ~IMR

    Dragoon23 -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/27/2013 15:29:24)


    Staff of Plenty
    Staff of Plenty G
    Staff of Plenty Z

    Used by shamans to ensure a bountiful harvest, this staff runneth over with nature's bounty; so much that it's glad to fling some of it at your foes!

    Magic Earth staff

    Special: 3 hit ranged earth.


    Choking Vineblade
    Choking Vineblade G
    Choking Vineblade Z

    A blade overgrown with living vines, these vines can sometimes choke your foes!

    Melee Earth Blade

    Special: 1 hit melee earth. Can choke monster*

    *The vines have choked your opponent!
    **Your foe gasps for air, but manages to catch their breath.


    Got it, thanks! ~Baron

    Nightmare Dragon -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2013 2:53:13)

    King Tide Reaper's entry suggests a 4-hit special, but is only one in game. Maybe a mistake with the entry or a bug with the item.
    Was just comparing to Hydro Halberd, that's how I noticed the error. ^_^;;

    - Nightmare Dragon Lord -

    Yes, it was updated some time ago. We have fallen behind a little bit, but we'll get there eventually. ~Koree

    Edit: Whoops, sorry, missed that! ^_^;;

    Gold -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2013 7:17:47)

    The Dragon Buster series can't be found anywhere in the pedia.

    That's because it hasn't been added to the pedia yet. Info subs here - Dragoon23

    Seth Hydra -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2013 7:48:35)�

    Battleon Card deck needs a Rare tag.

    Dragoon23 -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/29/2013 17:57:34)



    Rare item hunt #10

    Lost Helm of the Fallen

    Lvls 22/55/80/100/120/143

    Melee darkness weapon

    Once belonging to a mighty warrior, this helm now holds his soul and can unleash his power in a somewhat rare but powerful special attack!

    Got it, thanks! ~Baron

    Rheannon -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/30/2013 0:19:13)



    Thanatos Scythe
    Element: Darkness
    Price: 16089652 Gold (discounted?)
    Level: 147
    Magic Damage: 19 to 28
    This magical scythe unleashed powerful Darkness attacks, and can be clicked to change it from a slashing weapon to a throwing weapon! (Guardian Only)

    Castle Crusher
    Element: Earth
    Price: 16089652 (discounted?)
    Level: 147
    Melee Damage: 30 to 33
    It may not let you team up with three friends in a side scrolling beat'em up, but this powerful Earth hammer does a fantastic job of pounding your enemies into paste! (Guardian Only)

    Got it, thanks! ~Baron

    Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/30/2013 0:26:35)


    Castle Crusher:

    Thanatos Scythe:

    Got it, thanks! ~Baron

    Syth -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/30/2013 1:46:36)


    "This magical scythe unleashed powerful Darkness attacks, and can be clicked to change it from a slashing weapon to a throwing weapon!"
    Clicking the scythe changes it from a 20%? proc magic weapon to a 100% proc ranged weapon. (VERY base heavy)

    Got it, thanks! ~Baron

    Carandor -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/3/2013 2:08:55)



    All normal Player attacks and weapon Specials deal 109% damage. (Not Factored In)

    All paxian deliverance entries(including the magic versions) mention weapon specials, despite being 0% proc

    There are also other sources that use your weapon and are treated as Weapon Specials; I believe Undead Mutant (Necromancer skill) is one of those. ~Koree

    No, it was a mistake on my part. It only gets 1.09 due to the lack of a special. Corrected thanks - Dragoon23

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/3/2013 18:05:25)


    Castle Crusher

    -5 BTH ~ *85/80 damage on all normal player attacks and weapon Specials.

    Level	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	147	19	77	117
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	G	Z	Z
    PowLvl	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	150	27	87	127
    Base	7	12	16	19	22	24	27	30	12	22	27
    Rand	1	2	1	2	2	3	3	3	2	2	3
    BtH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16	19	3	11	16
    Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
    SBR	2.26	4.17	6.29	8.46	10.52	12.29	13.6	14.33	4.17	10.52	13.6
    SLS	1.46	2.78	4.1	5.42	6.74	8.06	9.38	10.9	2.78	6.74	9.38
    SBtH	4	11	20	29	37	45	50	53	11	37	50
    Price	34	85	499	3835	30729	247556	1995686	16089652	52	5700	9700
    Sell	17	42	249	1917	15364	123778	997843	8044826	26	Z	Z

    Thanatos Scythe

    Click to switch between a 20-proc Magic weapon and a 100-proc Ranged weapon. While in Magic mode, its special is treated as a Special; while in Ranged mode, its special is treated as a normal player attack, gets stat bonuses, and deals *1.02 of the listed damage.

    Regardless of form, it takes -3 BTH and deals *85/82 damage.

    Level	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	147	19	77	117
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	G	Z	Z
    PowLvl	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	150	27	87	127
    Base	5	8	10	12	14	15	17	19	8	14	17
    Rand	2	3	5	6	6	9	9	9	3	6	9
    BtH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16	19	3	11	16
    Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
    SBR	2.26	4.17	6.29	8.46	10.52	12.29	13.6	14.33	4.17	10.52	13.6
    SLS	1.46	2.78	4.1	5.42	6.74	8.06	9.38	10.9	2.78	6.74	9.38
    SBtH	4	11	20	29	37	45	50	53	11	37	50
    BowBR	121	181	241	301	361	421	481	550	181	361	481
    BowStat	146.2	278.2	410.2	542.2	674.2	806.2	938.2	1090	278.2	674.2	938.2
    BowBTH	0	3	5	8	10	13	15	18	3	10	15
    Price	34	85	499	3835	30729	247556	1995686	16089652	52	5700	9700
    Sell	17	42	249	1917	15364	123778	997843	8044826	26	Z	Z

    Got it, thanks! ~Baron

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/3/2013 18:17:46)


    Choking Vineblade

    Earth Melee sword.

    Its Special is two Ranged hits. It does *(1 - 0.1785/1.5) damage. Afterwards, the monster can become Choked. It can resist with a save at a +0 bonus:
    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: VStat vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    If it fails, then it becomes Choked ( [# of hits connected] rounds, -[Monster Earth resistance]*15% reduction). (So the monster does 85% damage at 100% resistance.)

    If the monster is already Choked, then the Choke multiplier decreases by -15 * [Earth resistance] * [# of hits connected] / [Existing Choke's duration] %

    Earth-element monsters are immune to the choke.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	145	28	85
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	G	Z
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	148	35	95
    Base	4	5	7	9	11	12	13	15	16	7	12
    Rand	6	10	15	18	20	24	28	29	31	15	24
    BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19	4	12
    Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
    SBR	2.08	2.98	5	7.16	9.31	11.27	12.87	13.96	14.3	5	11.27
    SLS	1.33	1.99	3.31	4.63	5.95	7.27	8.59	9.91	10.77	3.31	7.27
    SBtH	3	7	15	23	32	40	48	51	53	15	40
    Price	32	43	162	1115	8802	70781	570467	4599098	13058727	92	7000
    Sell	16	21	81	557	4401	35390	285233	2299549	6529363	46	Z

    Staff of Plenty

    Earth Magic staff. Special is three Ranged hits.

    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150	23	80	120
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	G	Z	Z
    PLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153	30	90	130
    Base	3	5	6	8	9	10	11	12	5	9	11
    Rand	7	10	14	14	17	19	21	24	10	17	21
    BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19	4	11	16
    Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
    SBR	2.52	4.48	6.62	8.78	10.81	12.52	13.74	14.35	4.48	10.81	13.74
    SLS	1.66	2.98	4.3	5.62	6.94	8.26	9.58	11.1	2.98	6.94	9.58
    SBtH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54	13	38	51
    Price	36	107	672	5235	42016	338555	2729352	22004697	65	6650	10000
    Sell	18	53	336	2617	21008	169277	1364676	11002348	32	Z	Z

    Lost Helm of the Fallen

    Melee Darkness weapon. Special is three Magic hits.

    It's not MC or anything.

    Level	22	55	80	100	120	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Base	9	10	12	13	14	16
    Rand	16	21	23	26	30	32
    BtH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Proc	10	10	10	10	10	10
    SBR	8.84	11.72	14.23	16.77	18.45	18.77
    SLS	4.3	5.62	6.94	8.26	9.58	11.1
    SBtH	21	30	38	46	51	54
    Price	850	2350	6650	8150	10000	12600
    Sell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z

    Got it, thanks! ~Baron

    infuturity -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/4/2013 3:36:35)

    @IMR: You should add to the Thanatos Scythe entry

    **In Ranged Mode, damage is multiplied by *(4/3)

    For example, the level 147 version deals 25-37 in Ranged mode. Standard Magic/Ranged modifiers, but you didn't put it in the entry.

    Dragoon23 -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/5/2013 17:06:32)


    Wreath Wrath
    Wreath Wrath G
    Wreath Wrath Z

    Earth Melee Sword

    Special: 3 hit ranged earth attack

    This blade is decorated with magical wreaths that can slam into our enemies in a rare but powerful special attack!


    Got it, thanks! ~Baron

    Melee Gift Box
    Ranged Gift Box
    Magic Gift Box

    Same description, title (I-XXX, XV Z, etc), element, and type as the one last year.

    2012 Melee
    2012 Ranged
    2012 Magic

    Ash -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/5/2013 18:30:21)


    Wreath Wrath

    Melee Earth weapon.

    Level	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	147	19	77	117
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	G	Z	Z
    PowLvl	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	150	27	87	127
    Base	4	6	8	10	11	13	14	16	6	11	14
    Rand	7	14	17	20	24	25	29	31	14	24	29
    BtH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16	19	3	11	16
    Proc	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10
    SBR	3.01	5.59	8.46	11.28	13.86	16.42	18.28	18.83	5.59	13.86	18.28
    SLS	1.46	2.78	4.1	5.42	6.74	8.06	9.38	10.9	2.78	6.74	9.38
    SBtH	4	11	20	29	37	45	50	53	11	37	50
    Price	34	85	499	3835	30729	247556	1995686	16089652	52	5700	9700
    Sell	17	42	249	1917	15364	123778	997843	8044826	26	Z	Z

    Airenal's Cunning

    Wind weapon

    Default form is Sword form. Clicking it will change to ranged form. Clicking again will change to Magic form.

    It deals *1.09 damage for 0 Proc.

    In Ranged form it has a +3 BtH lean. *85/88 for the BtH lean in addition to the *1.09.

    Magic form deals *.75 Base and Random of Melee form. - Dragoon23

    Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    Base	9	10	12	13	15	16
    Rand	18	22	23	27	29	32
    BtH	7	9	12	14	17	19
    SBtH	23	31	39	47	51	54
    MCSOP	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583
    MCSOS	184	1439	11554	93102	750571	6051291

    Got it, thanks! ~Baron

    Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/6/2013 3:16:02)

    Ash: Airenal's Cunning changes in the order Melee -> Magic -> Ranged, just a small typo :)

    AcidDrago -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/6/2013 16:17:15)

    Airenal's Cunning has a trigger against Flying enemies.

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/11/2013 7:30:19)


    Airenal's Cunning

    «Mastercraft 0% Proc Wind Melee sword. Can be switched between Melee, Ranged and Magic mode.»

    Also see other items of the Airenal Set:
  • Armor: Airenal's Might
  • Shield: Airenal's Crest

    Location: Given automatically to players who purchase the 50,000 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Airenal Set shop. The version of the weapon is based on the level of the character.

    Player	0-59	60-79	80-99	100-119	120-139	140+
    Weapon	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC
    Price	739	5758	46217	372410	3002287	24205166
    Sell	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583

    Type: Melee
    Element: Wind
    Damage	9-27	10-32	12-35	13-40	15-44	16-48
    BTH	7	9	12	14	17	19


  • You can switch between Melee, Ranged and Magic mode by clicking on the weapon.
    • It deals *1.09 damage for 0% Proc:
      • Melee mode does *1.09 damage.
      • Ranged mode does *1.09*85/88 damage and gains +3 BTH.
      • Magic mode does *0.75*1.09 damage.
    This weapon, granted only to Airenal's champion, will deal incredible damage to any flying creatures, and can change between sword, staff, and spear form when you click on it!


    Numbers thanks to Ash. Format and additional thanks to Koree.


    December --, 2013: The weapon was released.
    ..... --, 2014: The weapon became rare.

  • Got it, thanks. ~Baron

    Doomsday -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/11/2013 8:45:08)


    With regards to Airenal's Cunning:

    It does have a 110% damage trigger on Flying mobs, which is ~1/8 of the enemies in the game.

    Got it, thanks. ~Baron

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (12/11/2013 11:33:29)

    Cyber Monday Katana: Fire sword
    Black Friday Katana: Darkness sword

    Both can swap between Melee and Magic by clicking on it. Both scale based on (YourLevel-5). See the Blade / Staff of Awe for details on the scaling.

    Both have a standard 20-proc Special. It's two hits, [weapon type] [weapon element]. SBR = (-0.00000349*PowLvl^3 + 0.000552*PowLvl^2 + 0.0801*PowLvl + 1.67). SBTH and SLS are the same as the Blade of Awe.

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