(DF) The Raven Shifting clan - The 10 black feathers (Full Version)

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Therril Oreb -> (DF) The Raven Shifting clan - The 10 black feathers (7/13/2013 11:24:12)


Greetings to all of you. Before we start on our journey through a land that has yet to be revealed, I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Melissa Ilphelle. Member of the 10 black feathers and first adviser of the current leader of the Raven shifting isles, His swiftness, Corvus C. Oreb.
We have been unknown to many for a long time now and it is time to shed some light on this wonderful community.
Also, if you have comments or anything on your mind, feel free to post this here.
Now without further ado, emerge yourself and go up in the skies of The Raven Shifting clan.

Therril Oreb -> RE: (DF) The Raven Shifting clan - The 10 black feathers (7/13/2013 11:28:38)

Chapter 1

Melissa: Before we can start our story properly and enjoy our educational flight, I should first give you some Geology so you actually know where you are flying to.
Oh and don't worry if you cannot fly, I am sure we can fix something for you but that's a minor detail for now.

???: Hmmm? what is this about. Who are you talking to Melissa?

Melissa: Oh I am writing a book about our country, Eukara. So that our species and culture will never disappear.

Eukara: I like the sound of that. Would you mind if I assist you? It is never wrong to have children learn more after all. But how rude of me, allow me to introduce myself.
I am Eukara Vox, also a member of the 10 black feathers and an old friend of Melissa here. I am from the Island Chas and...

Melissa: Sorry to interrupt Eukara but I have not told the reader of the different islands yet so I don't think they can quite follow you yet.

Eukara: I see. That is fine. Then let is start from scratch. The Raven Shifting clan exists out of nine islands and are governed by ten cou...


*A third individual jumps and noms Eukara's hand*

Eukara: Moogle, how often do I have to say not to nom me like that?

*Eukara shakes Moogle of her hand. Having him land on a table close to both Melissa and Eukara*

Moogle: But that is how I greet my friends!

Melissa: Moogle, would you like to join in on the fun? We are writing an educational...

Moogle: Blegh, I hate lessons. I would prefer to go outside and fight and learn things out in the field. Not by reading silly books.

Eukara: Either that or no snug for you Moogle.

Moogle:Noooo! Not that! Fine, but only if you give the lessons Euky. I like Euky's lessons.

Eukara: Good enough for me. What do you say Melissa?

Melissa: Mmmpphh!

*Moogle nommed Melissa's head*

Eukara: Moogle! No!

*With a whip of her hand, Eukara casts a spell where out of a book, a big fluffy pony appears.*

Moogle: Fluffy!

*Moogle instantly lets Melissa go and snuggles the fluffy pony*

Eukara: Now that we are settled, let us continue without interruptions. Melissa, if you could be so kind to continue where we left of.

Melissa: Right.

*Melissa looks beside her, keeping an eye on Moogle, snuggling the pony even though it looks awkwardly out of place.*

Melissa: As Eukara had said. The clan exists out of nine islands governed by ten counsel members.
For each island, there is one counsel member and the leader over all islands, our leader, is the tenth member of the counsel.

Eukara: The nine islands are called: Chas, which is represented by me, Coria, which is represented by Melissa, Mat, which is the island Moogle comes from although he is not a counsel member, Tha, Cerlyn, where Corvus stays most of the times, Carnim, Ivea, Harsan and Thuen.
We all have our own traits that make each island unique.

Melissa: My island for example excels in our clothing. Nobody can make a dress as marvelous as a Choria Raven. In important events, everyone goes for our cloth shops or even ask for custom apparel. And though not everybody agrees with me about this, our magic can be seen as the finest of the isles.

Eukara: We had this discussion ages ago Melissa and you know I will not agree with this. Your magic might be delicate, ours is the most creative and useful. Knowledge is power as the old saying goes and Chas knows this all to well. Our scholars are of the highest education and our libraries could make any great magician squeel in delight.

Moogle: Always showing off you two. Mat does not need dresses or books. What can't be solved with words shall be settled with steel. If we cannot talk about it with our charismatic diplomats, I advise you to get prepared now because our soldiers could be seen as one of the strongest of all!

Melissa: Why are males always so obsessed with fighting? This is why we women can do magic and you men not. You are too busy wanting to hit people on the head, that you forget to learn from the situation and act appropriate to it and not with blunt force. Because be honest Moogle, your "charismatic diplomats" are pretty much only asking if they are right and if you say no, you sent soldiers.

Moogle: This is not true!

*Eukara and Melissa stare at Moogle*

Moogle: Well.. not always...

*Eukara and Melissa keep on staring*

Moogle: Ok fine. But you cannot deny that our soldiers are strong!

Melissa: It is true I love to watch as those strong and handsome fighters show what they are made of.

*Melissa's pupil's widen as she imaginates a couple of strong Raven warriors flex and work out.*

Eukara: Ahum.

Melissa: I mean, true, your soldiers are strong. But those muscles!

Eukara: Yes well, anyway. As you can see, we are proud of our island . So each of the islands has their own speciality. It does not mean that in terms of military that some islands are superior. But it does mean that certain islands...

Moogle: Mat! Mat!

Eukara: Are more known for it then others. Of course, no islands without some competition between them. Hence there are a variety of contests held throughout the year to show the skills and power of the clan to one another. Mat for example did not always win combat contests, hence why they trained even harder for next time.

Moogle: Bah, That soldier from Ivea cheated.

Melissa: There was no cheating Moogle. He won fair and square. It was bad enough that Corvus had to intervene personally because some Mat Ravens could not accept it and went mad at Ivea.

Eukara: True enough Melissa. So as it was said just now. When one or more islands start a fight with others, it is the task of our leader to solve things. Though in cases like this, it was rather simple to solve this.

Moogle: Pfeh. I'm gonna eat dinner. A foodfight is much more interesting then hearing you two lie.

*Moogle leaves the screen*

Melissa & Eukara: *Sigh*

Melissa: I'm actually hungry too so what about we eat first before we continue?

Eukara: Agreed

*Both Eukara and Melissa go the same way Moogle went.*

Therril Oreb -> RE: (DF) The Raven Shifting clan - The 10 black feathers (7/15/2013 3:36:10)

Chapter 2

Corvus: No, for the hundredth time! No!

Melissa: But my leader, purple looks so good on you!

Corvus: No Melissa, I like black as it is and it stays that way. I will show no liking over any color for I stay neutral.

*Melissa smiles*

Melissa: One day I will convince you leader, all you know is purple. Soon!

Corvus: If you weren't such a good adviser, I would have looked for another a long time ago. You know that?

Melissa: Bah, you know that those other fools can't even get close to my thinking. Only Eukara would be fitting for you due to her wide knowledge. But she lacks the mind to plan things in the future at times. And with how politics go here, you need to plan ahead.

Corvus: I still ask for her knowledge often enough. You both are unmissable. But moving on. Any news I need to know before this meeting starts?

Melissa: No Lord Corvus, the islands were quiet and calm after the Mat incident a month ago.

Corvus: I was not even hard on them Melissa. They made a mess and a ruckus and I stopped it in their tracks. A few bruises won't kill them.

Melissa: True... unless of course one of them is still recovering from the smash you gave him in the ground.

Corvus: I *might* have gotten carried away a bit...

Corvus: Do you have any idea how boring this life is at times? I am not allowed to do anything unless there is a problem between two islands.

Melissa: Why don't you do something about that then? Get someone to fight with you, to keep you in shape. Perhaps train that person into a special bodyguard of yours.

Corvus: Hmm. Good idea. I'll suggest it next meeting.

Corvus: How are the soldiers coming along throughout the clan?

Melissa: Nothing special this month. No new recruits that show special promise and though there will always be issues when a soldier wants to marry a peasant, it usually gets resolved in the best way. I do would like to point out that your commander of Cerlyn is having rumors abound that he wants to go for a councelor seat.

Corvus: Nommar? He is a good commander but of politics, he knows nothing. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for him.

*Melissa and Corvus continue to walk towards the hall of the 10 black feathers.*

Corvus: What are the rumors anyway? It might as well be jealous old fishwives' tales.

Melissa: As much as it might be, my sources are reliable. Nommar and the rest of his family never have been totally agreed with the way the clan is being ruled.

Corvus: I know I know. He wants our forces to be stronger, to have a single unity instead of nine islands. To show the power of our clan to the outside. But I don't want any of that. The clan is peaceful and happy. It is not perfect but outside contact might ruin this peace. And Nommar knows I am against his and his family's wishes. And they wouldn't dare doing anything stupid to get through with this!

*Corvus closes his eyes. Calming himself.*

Corvus: My apologies. I can get...

Melissa: I know Corvus, I know. Now please calm down. We are here.

*Two guards, clothed in the typical Cerlyn Raven Shifting clan military clothing and armor open a big double door. Melissa and Corvus entering once it is open. Once the two entered, the two guards close the door and lock it tightly and quietly leave.*

Guard 1: I don't know man. This reeks.

Guard 2: I know right!? All this constant guard duty hasn't given me a chance to take a proper bath.

Guard 1: Not you. I mean this situation. These orders from Commander Nommar to have the doors locked. Something is not right.

Guard 2: If you question our commander's orders much louder, I think you will have to do more then fifty push-ups to be alowed to do your duty again.

Guard 1: I don't know... You can go on if you want. I'm going to check this thing out.

*The first guard transforms into a raven and quietly flies back.*

Guard 2: Oh drats. There goes my bath.

*The second guard transforms into a raven as well and goes after his comrade.*

*Both guardsmen sneak into the hall. Sitting in a dark corner and looking over the meeting.*

Guard 2: Wow, first time I see this. Normally nobody is allowed in here?

Guard 1: Be quiet or we get spotted.

Guard 2: ...

*Screen goes towards Corvus and the councel men.*

Corvus: Thank you all for gathering here in our monthly meeting of the 10 black feathers. Is everyone present?

Everyone: Yes Leader Corvus C. Corax. We are here and present to protect our clan and safeguard the peace and happiness of our kinship!

Corvus: Good. Now, before we begin. I would like to ask everyone if there is anything that needs to be said before this gathering starts in full.

*The two guardmen keep watching the gathering as the first guard notices something.*

Guard 1: Hey, you see that?

Guard 2: See what?

Guard 2: Wait a second... That looks like a soldier from Mat. Why is he there? And why is he holding a bow...

*Before he can finish his sentence, the first guard flies at top speed at the Mat soldier, transforming into his winged humanoid form in mid-air. The soldier notices that he is spotted and quickly aims his arrow. The guard smashes into the soldier right when the arrow flies. The arrow hits one of the counsel men.*

Counsel man of Cerlyn: Arrgghh!!!

Corvus: It's an assault! Guards!

*The guard and the soldier are busy fighting one another in close combat.*

Eukara: The attackers are above us! Catch them!

*The male Counselors let their wings grow as they go after the guard and the soldier while the females start chanting binding spells.*

Melissa: It is not safe here Lord Corax, please, let me escort you to a safer place.

Corvus: You know I cannot do this. My counselor is attacked and...

Melissa: Exactly my point. The next arrow might be for you.

Corvus: Alright.

*As Melissa guides Corvus away, she tries to open the door but notices it is locked.*

Melissa: It's a trap! Eukara, come over here quick! I need your help opening this door!

*Eukara runs over to Corvus and Melissa, casting a transparent dome over the three.*

Eukara: This should hold until the situation calms down. But what is going on here?

Red robed counselor: We have them Lord Corax. Two men were fighting each other. One is a soldier of Mat. Another is a soldier of Cerlyn.

Guard 2: Wait! I was there as well! My comrade is innocent. He tried to save everyone but we were too late.

Corvus: Hold your feathers guardsman... Wait a second. Weren't you one of the guards outside the door? What are you even doing here?!

Guard 2: I.. I can explain. You see..

Corvus: No need. We will solve this later today. I want all three of them in a cell under the highest protection. Don't allow any of them to do anything stupid. And check for possible ways to silence themselves as well.

*The guard looks at his comrade and the Mat soldier, seeing both are unconscious.*

Guard 2: This is a mistake. We are innocent!

Corvus: Are you a soldier of Cerlyn or not? I told you to be quiet. If you are truly innocent, then prove it in the interrogation.

Guard 2: Yes my lord.

Therril Oreb -> RE: (DF) The Raven Shifting clan - The 10 black feathers (7/15/2013 15:06:29)

Chapter 3

Melissa: You see a dark, moist place. Torches flickering in the cold wind still area. It truly feels like a dungeon. The air feels cold, as if...

Corvus: Are you really going to describe the whole dungeon Melissa? Who are you talking to anyway?

Melissa: Oh, I am writing a book about our culture but from a different standpoint then your typical scholar.

*Melissa looks truly content with her work.*

Corvus: Whatever, that is not important right now. We need to focus on the task at hand. We have 3 chained up soldiers. Two were fighting each other of which one shot the counselor of Cerlyn. A third one belongs with the other Cerlyn soldier and claims the Mat soldier was the one who shot the arrow.

Melissa: This does not get them off the hook of course. He could be backing up for his companion. Both were guards on their post to guard the door. The door that was locked as well. It all looks suspicious to me. Who do you wish to hear out first Corvus?

Corvus: How do the three of them fair?

Melissa: The guard who was still conscious when we caught them still seems to be rather scared. The other Cerlyn soldier Looks like he tries to stay calm but you can see he is very tense. As for the Mat soldier, he has not flinched a muscle since he woke up. He just sits there.

Corvus: I'll talk to the Mat soldier first. I want him to be still in chains. The calmest persons are the most unpredictable.

Melissa: Yes leader.

Melissa: Guard, bring The recently jailed Mat soldier to the interogation room. And make sure he is still kept in chains under all circumstances.

Guard: Yes counselor Ilphelle!

*The guard salutes and brings the Mat soldier to Corvus and Melissa.*

Corvus: Good. Let us start from the start. Who are you? Name, post, duty, island I wish to hear everything so there can be no mistake.

Mat Soldier: ...

Corvus: Being silent will only make you more suspicious soldier. I am willing to talk about this between us three now without intervention of your superiors. But you will have to cooperate with us then.

Mat Soldier: If I talk, I die.

Corvus: You have a counselor and the leader of the clan right in front of you. Nobody will as much as lay a finger on you. You are safe as long as you work together with us to solve this.

Mat Soldier: Can you protect an entire clan on your own? I doubt you can with all due respect leader. You are still one person.

Corvus: It is my duty to protect the entire clan no matter what the cost. And I my loyal people to help me with this task. Do you still doubt we can't protect you and those dear to you?

Mat Soldier: You don't understand. You can't understand. It is best I say nothing even if it costs me my life.

Corvus: What do you...

*Before Corvus finished his question, the soldier bites on something and quickly falls down. Lifeless.

Melissa: Poison...

*The guard quickly rushes into the room.*

Corvus: I told you to take everything away?!

Guard: I did my lord. I did not realize he had something hidden inside his mouth.

Corvus: I guess we don't see this every day to notice it. Very well. But make sure this will not happen again. I don't want innocent lives lost due to mistakes.

Guard: Yes your leadership!

*The guard salutes and leaves the room quietly.*

Melissa: Something is very wrong here...

Corvus: I don't understand what that soldier meant Melissa. What was it he could not say that he even took his own life? Are people losing their faith in me?

Melissa: I don't think it is that Corvus. He meant something is going on that cannot be solved by one man. Though I do not know for sure what he meant.

Melissa: Might I suggest that we call the commander of the Mat army to us? I am sure he wants to know why one of his soldiers is dead here in Cerlyn.

Corvus: Hmmm... No.

Melissa: Leader?

Corvus: If what he says is true, then I think something is tearing the clan apart. Or someone. It is best to keep this all here between us.

Corvus: Should we explain the situation to the commander of Mat and he was the one who set this up, it would put all of us in grave danger. I have to know who I can trust and whom I can't.

Melissa: What about those other two guards? Seeing how the Mat soldier committed suicide, it would only prove that the other two are innocent on the accusation of murder. They still trespassed into the hall and the gathering though...

Corvus: Yet if it weren't for them, You or me could have died instead. So I am sure we can come to an agreement here. But first I want a talk with them. Guard!

*The guard quickly marches inside.*

Guard: Yes Milord?

Corvus: I'd like you to bring the two Cerlyn guards that are held captive here.

Guard: Shall I make sure they have nothing on themselves?

Corvus: Please do. Best to avoid any more accidents.

*The guard takes his leave to get the other two prisoners.*

Melissa: By your permission. Could I leave the premise?

Corvus: For what reason Melissa?

Melissa: There are some things I need to check upon. I'll send Eukara here in my stead if this is alright. Of all people, there is nobody else I would trust your safety in then in her hands.

Corvus: Very well, but do make haste. and please. travel safe. I don't want to lose any more people.

Melissa: I might be frail but I am not weak. Don't worry.

*Melissa leaves the room.*

Melissa: Guard, when you are done searching the prisoners. Could you wait with taking them to Lord Corax until Eukara arrives?

Guard: Yes Milady.

*The guard salutes and Melissa leaves.*

Therril Oreb -> RE: (DF) The Raven Shifting clan - The 10 black feathers (7/17/2013 5:54:37)

Chapter 4

While Melissa goes to get Eukara, the prison guard finishes checking the two Cerlyn guards.

Prison guard: You two better not try anything stupid. The previous one ended up dead because of it.

Guard 2: D..dead?! DEAD??!! I... lords, protect me. I don't want to die!!

Guard 1: Don't worry, I do not intend to die here. And please calm down! We are innocent, why would we be worried to die then?

Guard 2: I guess so...

*Five minutes pass.*

Guard 2: so... now that we are in this whole mess...

Guard 1: Please don't get sympathetic man. As I said, we are innocent, we will be released and life will go on.

Guard 2: I know but... I don't think I have ever properly introduced myself. My name is Dulin.

Guard 1: ...

Dulin: What is your name?

Guard 1: Brymir. My name is Brymir.

Dulin: So what do you think is going on Brymir?

Brymir: Honestly? I have no idea. All I know is that I had this feeling something was wrong. And my feeling was right.

Dulin: But we failed nonetheless. The counselor of Cerlyn is dead.

Brymir: Who's to say it was the counselor he targeted? My guess is the target was Lord Corax. So though it is meager, we saved at least the leader.

Dulin: I guess you have a point. And the assassin seems to have been killed or killed himself according to the guard.

Brymir: Wouldn't you? After an assassination attempt on the leader, I doubt your future would look bright.

Dulin: Fair point.

*The prison guard returns with a fair green robed lady in front of Dulin and Brymir.*

Eukara: These were the other two involved yes. Bring them to me and Lord Corax.

Prison guard: Yes Lady Eukara!

Dulin: She's gorgeous!

Brymir: You better stay quiet. That is Counselor Eukara, Counselor of Chas.

Eukara: I did hear that you know. And know that flattery won't get you out of this mess so easily.

Dulin & Brymir: Yes Milady.

*Dulin, Brymir, Eukara and the guard go back to where Corvus is waiting. Pondering over what is going on.*

*Dulin and Brymir are put in a chair in front of Eukara and Corvus.*

Corvus: So... You two are the ones I should thank for saving my life?

Brymir: I guess so Lord Corax. If you were the target of assassination at least.

Corvus: You sound like a bright one. Already considering that the situation is not what it seems like. Tell me, why were you in the hall?

Dulin: It was his idea Milord. I didn't want to leave him alone to his decision so I went together with him.

Corvus: One loyal, the other smart. You two certainly are interesting for being ordinary guards.

Eukara: Don't compliment them too much Lord. They still invaded a gathering of the 10 black feathers. A crime not to be taken lightly.

Corvus: I might owe my life, our lives to them. I think we can come to terms with the law.

Eukara: For death penalty there is no excuse Lord Corax. And if the counsel sees that you make exceptions in the law, they might question your motivations and your neutrality. Especially since the previous soldier died before we could do anything.

Corvus: *sigh* Why are the laws always so strict at times?

Dulin: Please Lord Corax, I swear we shall not utter a word of what we saw and what has happened. But please, do not kill us!

Corvus: No, Eukara is right. But before we continue with all this execution and laws. I want to hear what actually happened. And seeing as you were the one that was fighting the Mat Soldier, could you give your story first, Brymir?

Brymir: Yes Milord. It is actually short and simple. We were ordered by Commander Nommar to lock the doors once all the counselors and you, leader, are inside and leave the premises. I did as he ordered but I had a bad feeling about this so I sneaked inside the hall. Dulin here was as well ordered the same things as I was and decided to follow me. During the gathering, I saw a Mat soldier hiding as well and he was arme with a bow. As soon as I saw that, I went after him but he let the arrow fly just as I managed to tackle him. After that I tried to restrain him but then I was knocked unconscious. And that is it. Dulin can confirm my story for he saw it all though did nothing else.

Dulin: This is correct Lord Corax. I was stunned by what happened all of a sudden and was afraid to get caught. But when I saw Brymir taken like a prisoner, I couldn't let this slide and thus jumped in it to say he was innocent even though it did little.

Corvus: Seems like it is as I thought. Eukara, any opinions on this?

Eukara: Nothing that would change anything. Brymir possibly saved your life even though he committed a crime on which stands the death penalty. Same goes for his companion.

Corvus: Guard!

*The prison guard returns and salutes.*

Prison Guard: Yes Lord Corax?

Corvus: Please escort both back to their cell.

Prison Guard: Yes Milord.

*Dulin sobbing and Brymir looking stern go back to their cell alongside with the guard.*

Corvus: You know I cannot just have them killed Eukara.

Eukara: I know Corvus but the laws are there. If the counsel hears of you shrugging laws away...

Corvus: Hmmm... At the very least, can the execution be held in private? There is no need to bring disgrace over their honor and their families.

Eukara: That could be done. Whom do you wish to be there for the execution as witnesses?

Corvus: Only Melissa. The counsel will trust my first adviser that I will not break the laws.

Eukara: Very well Corvus. I'll pass this to the rest of the counsel and have them keep all this quiet. We shall say that there has been an accident where the former counselor of Cerlyn slipped and fell unfortunatly, breaking his neck. He shall be mourned by everyone and a new counselot will be chosen.

Corvus: Wait with selecting a new counselor just yet. I first want the eagerness out of the ambitious people and see who is capable of the function.

Eukara: I understand. it shall be done. Anything else?

Corvus: No, the day has been long enough. I'm going back to my quarters. My wife must be worried sick by now.

Eukara: Haha, I would be too when I heard there was an attack in the hall of the 10 black feathers.

Corvus: Keep me posted when the execution is ready to be done.

Eukara: Certainly Corvus.

*Corvus and Eukara both leave the room.*

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