Gun core and percents (Full Version)

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Drangonslayer -> Gun core and percents (7/14/2013 16:27:18)

Below the passive cores in battle there should be numbers that say your chance to deflect and block. So if you get smoked or malf it changes with it and it kinda gives you an idea of what to use especially on rage.
For the gun core Energy shot that should do some damage. Why? Well, because it can be weakened with intimidate, taken away with chomp, and be countered by shields or buffs. Frost Shards is a way better core because it does damage and takes away 5 energy and 15 total later. The only upside to it is it takes away 12 energy, when you're level 35 which isnt really great because most classes now can take away more energy and even regain from it. At least make the core do like 50% damage and cap it at 75%. Feedback please.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Gun core and percents (7/14/2013 19:08:22)

Somewhat supported, but I find it far more engaging to have to know the battle mechanics and calculate things during the short 15 seconds you're given. It would be nice to show how much of a stat you're going to remove with Omega Override, or how much energy you'll remove with energy storm/energy shot, though.

Drangonslayer -> RE: Gun core and percents (7/15/2013 0:24:38)

Yea like if you hover over the energy shot gun core it tells you how much or on your menu when its your turn.

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