focus or abuse? (Full Version)

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AQWorldsFarmer -> focus or abuse? (7/14/2013 18:59:39)

Everyone is complaining about the stat abusers.

But if we get rid of the stat abusers, all we'll have is focus focus focus. In a way stat abusers actually bring variety to the game.
Why don't we make robots that improve with different stats?

For example, the current robots increase with focus and tech

maybe we can make some with focus and dex, focus and str, and focus and support.

I feel this would bring a bit for variety to the game because all the focus builds wont focus around tech.

Your thoughts?

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/14/2013 19:09:47)

I have made this suggestion in early Omega; and you know what....people didn't even support.

Although I support! ;D

Exploding Penguin -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/14/2013 19:33:27)

Sounds very interesting.

I agree about your comments on stat abuse; it brings more fun into the game than it does problems. However, while I do suggest bots increasing with other stats, they should all still increase with focus as well. This would also possibly require a buff to tech since deflections are weaker than blocks and they have a lower max value, but it was compensated for with increased bot damage.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/14/2013 19:35:16)

^ I did say they should all still increase with focus. :P


This would buff cyber hunter's focus becuase the plasma armor kinda makes it hard to focus while also keeping the defenses level. Overall, buffing cyberhunter which everyone is saying is underpowered (which i dont agree with).

This would bring EXTREME variety to bounty hunter, becuase bounty could take advantage of all 4 robot types.

This would decrease the amount of abusers becuase some would switch to a more reliable build (one of the focus types)

Bloodmage would finally be able to take advantage of focus without having to use the support focus builds, they can now use strength focus!

Exploding Penguin -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/14/2013 19:38:52)

Oh, sorry, I was kinda multitasking :P

Anyways, I would really like this in-game because, as I said before, it would be quite interesting.

Mother1 -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/14/2013 19:40:01)

Several bots are universal with their effects (meaning focus doesn't make their effects weaker or stronger) In fact every bot that has an effect (poison bots excluded) that isn't pure offense are universal. Not everyone uses a bot for offense but the effect such as the Assault bot. just as useful to a no focus player as it is a focus 5 tech abuser (effect wise.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/14/2013 19:41:25)

@Mother1: I actually made a suggestion a while back for making focus slightly increase the secondary skills of bots so all bots, not just offensive bots, would have some relation to focus.

Mother1 -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/14/2013 19:45:56)

I remember that topic Exploding, however I didn't agree with it since some bots on it got side increases while others got nerfed before they got buffed. I remember exactly which ones would reap the most benefits for your suggestion change and the ones that would get nerfed more then buffed as well.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/14/2013 19:48:46)

Mother, do the poison bots and assault add variety to the game? true, they bring a few uber-tankers into the game, but thats just a few builds. Imagine the possiblilities with this idea.

people can be a 5 focus and still be extremely offensive (as oppose to most being mainly defensive, with the exception of bounty hunters).

For example, a 5 focus bloodmage with a strength bot. They can be a focus build with low defenses. and still do pretty good robot damage.

Mother1 -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/14/2013 20:00:42)


this should be in the suggestions part of the site since it is turning into that, also the poison bot works with focus and/or tech abuse it's effect isn't universal like the assault bot, bio borg, and and just about every other effect bot that isn't offensive.

zion -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/15/2013 10:21:05)

The more variety the better at this point... but this belongs in balance since it boils down to certain classes being able to use robots more effectively.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/15/2013 11:14:20)

@mother1: AQWorldsFarmer phrased it in the original post as a topic for discussion, not necessarily as a suggestion itself, so I'd say it can be in either category of the forums.

Q...Q -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/15/2013 16:34:21)

Man they shouldnt have nerf the FOCUS dmg , but only the bot.

Stabilis -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/15/2013 17:10:12)

Not sure what you mean by "focus or abuse?", since Focus is not excluded from being able to be abused. As it is, Focus is founded on damage.

Mother1 -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/15/2013 17:15:20)

@ depressed void

He is talking about stat abuse when he says abuse.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: focus or abuse? (7/15/2013 19:08:19)

^ yes, i should have been more clear on that.

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