Focus suggestion (Full Version)

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AQWorldsFarmer -> Focus suggestion (7/14/2013 20:07:31)

Everyone is complaining about the stat abusers.

But if we get rid of the stat abusers, all we'll have is focus focus focus. In a way stat abusers actually bring variety to the game.
Why don't we make robots that improve with different stats?

For example, the current robots increase with focus and tech

maybe we can make some with focus and dex, focus and str, and focus and support.

I feel this would bring a bit for variety to the game because all the focus builds wont focus around tech.

Your thoughts?

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Focus suggestion (7/15/2013 4:19:49)

Not supported.
Robot abuse would rise again if you somehow would balance them out then you would be taking away from tech and adding it to one of the over used statas again e.g. str/support.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Focus suggestion (7/15/2013 12:25:33)

Abuse? No This would simply give players that are already using focus more options. Players will still dex, tech, support, strength, and still use glass cannon.

Why? Because, this doesn't make robots OP, it just makes other classes have reliable focus builds.

For example,


The plasma armor gets in the way of improving your tech for robot. A cyber could get a dex robot or a support robot and it would work better. Hence, reducing glass cannons but not Extinguising them.

Ranloth -> RE: Focus suggestion (7/15/2013 13:22:56)

No. Some builds would take advantage of it and abuse it more than others, just like Casters can do it with no Focus + Tech abuse and even some TLMs. We don't need a combo with other Bots.

Ideally, Bots should be independent and work off Focus only which would mean fixed ranges but you could give Focus a boost to compensate & Focus 6.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Focus suggestion (7/15/2013 14:08:17)

^ I did say they work off focus.

This is what i ment by "imrpoving with different stats"

Strength bot: Focus improves the base damage (as it already does) BUT instead of it increasing with tech, it will increase with strength

Dex bot: Increases with Focus and Dexterity points.


Btw, if abusers would just use this to their advantage while still abusing, then why aren't tech mages using focus with tech abuse? Because it weakens their technology.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Focus suggestion (7/15/2013 15:00:11)

See; didn't I tell you? People won't support it.

Though I support it.
Would love to see a 5 focus bot that gains damage from support/dexterity/strength instead of the old & always boring technology.
The more unique this game is; the better.

It would attract more gamers/ players because say for example you had:

Brought a new chocolate brand (for example Twix).
Now this chocolate was unique to any other chocolate.
Then a new chocolate comes out which exactly has similar features to Twix
Does the new Chocolate has the same features of the Twix? Yes it is because it still has similar taste/texture/sight. What is the point of buying that product if it's already in the market? Unless you put it at a cheaper price then Twix which would make people buy it. You always have to make your product unique to any others so you can make people buy it but also to attract more players/customers to get it because it's unique.

Sorry; just had to give an example of a chocolate. IM'A Chocolate freak.

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