RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (Full Version)

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BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/7/2013 19:39:02)

@Bunker I would recommend Templar, if you want something more offensive, but otherwise go Queen Aegea.
@Akura Why do you say she's OP?

Bunker -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/7/2013 20:16:08)

@ Gorillo Titan, Princess costs 4 Soul Gems, Queen costs 6. So in total, 10 SGs.
@Lord Beck, Alright, I think I'll probably save for now. I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to buy more SGs I think.
@The Jop, I already bought Tarus back when he was first released for 10 Soul Gems

@Everyone who replied, thanks for the help guys! I think I'm going to save my Soul Gems for now.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/7/2013 23:35:32)

@Gorillo No, Queen Ghypsophilia cost 6 SG to get, and Frost Queen cost 4 SG to get.

Hakunin -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/12/2013 10:48:12)

So, the rotation of CC means Chaos is canceled as the alignment-system?

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/12/2013 11:17:23)

It means chaos is delayed, along with stats, combo bonuses, artifacts, team battles, alignments, and elemental resistances.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/12/2013 11:17:35)

The rotation of CC is just meaning that the CC series 1 will return again in rotation starting with Ice and Shadow returning next week and the week after will possibly be light and so on.

Exo -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/13/2013 11:18:54)

Using the cards they come with, is Hex Void better than Lei Crossbows? Lei is missing chain lightning and electric arc. But it has storm.
Secondly, Abyssal Priest comes with better cards than Hex Void right?
(I'm trying out new Energy Characters)

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/13/2013 11:39:02)

Lei crossbow is already an outdated character but is still good. Hex void is now one of the strongest lightning character with new lightning cards. Wirh super charged, it can help deal massive damage. Abyssal priest is also another strong lightning character. IMO, abyssal priest would have better deck than hex void because of 2 lightning chain plus energize. Still, hex void and abyssal priest are both strong lightning character.

Exo -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/13/2013 11:41:43)

Thanks man.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/13/2013 11:43:08)

I didn't much like Lei Crossbow's deck since it had too few attack cards to make pulling off Energize feasible, and you ended up with frequent dead hands. So Hex Void is better than him, in my opinion.

I personally like the set up of Hex Void's cards better, since his deck is more energy efficient (low attacks, Surge, only 1 Chain Lightning), and is set up better for pulling off Super Charged, but I bought Abyssal Priest because I thought he looked cooler... which in retrospect wasn't a good reason to buy anything at all xD

Try Volt Engineer though. He's deck is great, and his animations are fantastic.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/13/2013 11:43:46)

Glad to help out. Have fun playing with hex void and abyssal priest when you get them. They are really fun to use!

Jacke21777 -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/14/2013 2:24:07)

So hi again, I'm having some problems with CCing for Quaztk Lord; could you guys suggest some good ones for it?

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/14/2013 5:55:02)

Quaztk Lord have good offense but lack a bit of defence. So, include some CC shield to increase his defence for long survival in the battle. You can include at least one offensive water spell card like Water Rapid and Power Flow to make him even more offensive than usual.

Exo -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/14/2013 19:14:36)

Ooo. Non SG evolution? Didn't even notice Volt Engineer existed. Sweet.
Thanks man I'll try him out.

kreem -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/14/2013 22:04:50)

What is the best spot for Abber?

Why have there been many players in solace using lighting wolf apprentice?

Beck -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/14/2013 22:08:52)

I'm training stuff at the ruins (where you find Mana Guardian), and Abber seems to appear there and at the Graveyard very frequently.

As for the lightning wolves... no clue. New players, or an invasion of wolves? :0

kreem -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/14/2013 22:14:02)

Thanks. I like everything about wolf except it's 5-hitter but maybe just more new players explains that and why there are 100+ players again. I was worried about OS when I started seeing 20 something players online especially due to the fact that there has always been way more .

inshal1000 -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/16/2013 19:12:27)

1. What exactly is Card Customization Rotation?
2. Is it possible to remove cards that where added through Card Customization?

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/16/2013 19:27:51)

1.Card Customization Rotation is when you can only buy packs from 3 of the elements CC at a time, so Friday instead of being able the buy Earth, Energy, and Fire, you would be able to buy Ice, Earth, Energy, and it cycles through every two weeks.
2. You can't take out cards permanently, but you can put them back into a stash of cards(which is all of your CC cards)or you can add them onto your deck, but only 5 cards at a time.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/16/2013 19:28:12)

1. It is replacing card series with older ones while having three available to purchase at a time. You can see when card series were released here. The next rotation should be ice and shadow replacing fire and energy.

2. Yes, if you go to the card customization screen you just have to click on the cards in your character's queue to remove them, and then click accept once you exit the screen to save the changes.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/16/2013 19:31:07)

@Jop Wait they're going to be replacing TWO elements at the same time?Cool, even if it is a one time thing.Because, my Ice CC is fine, but my Shadow CC is sorely lacking.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/16/2013 19:32:36)

I'm not 100% sure, but it said on the design notes that

The Card Rotation will be Starting from scratch: Ice and Shadow

Lord Omni -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/17/2013 15:59:48)

I've been looking around the wiki and seem to have found an alternate UI for the game, which shows along the bottom of the screen during combat. Is they tester only, a relic of an old testing build, or is there an option for it in-game that I'm somehow missing?

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/17/2013 16:42:56)

It's an old version of the game, before the "Oversoul Beta Revolution" when a huge amount of the art was overhauled. The battle tutorial from Anauel is still in that form.

Lord Omni -> RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XI (Read the first post) (10/17/2013 17:20:02)

Ah, many thanks for the info.

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