Physical Celtic Cleaver (Full Version)

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Predator9657 -> Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/19/2013 11:55:16)

No reason why it shouldn't exist :D

Mother1 -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/19/2013 12:16:41)

Not supported as there are already physical items that have the lucky strike core on it, as well as any sword without a passive can host this core.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/19/2013 12:21:53)

if it is not rare i don't see why not

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/19/2013 12:26:14)


2% is nothing, but 7% can almost cancel out Shadow Arts.

Mother1 -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/19/2013 13:06:04)

@ dual thrusters

which will be turning into an active core just like all passive skill cores.

Predator9657 -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/19/2013 15:36:11)


if it is not rare i don't see why not

It's seasonal rare so but it comes back annually.


Not supported as there are already physical items that have the lucky strike core on it, as well as any sword without a passive can host this core.

Please don't argue with flawed logic.
Currently, (according to the wiki) the only sword with lucky strike 7% is the celtic cleaver which is an energy sword. All other swords can have a lucky strike 2% core inserted into them. Why should that mean there is anything wrong with having a physical sword with the lucky strike 7% core?

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/19/2013 15:46:47)

Logically, there is nothing wrong with a physical version.

Humans don't always think logically though, and I for one can vouch for a few others by saying that sometimes promos are best left without a counterpart. This is because it limits the use of some OP promos (Celtic Cleaver is namely one of them; the 7% is vastly overpowered considering no-dex builds can abuse it for consistent non-blocked attacks), making them draw less attention to the masses and thus it won't get nerfed. There are also many other reasons.

Sadly, I don't support this.

Predator9657 -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/19/2013 15:56:34)


Humans don't always think logically though

I agree, that:


sometimes promos are best left without a counterpart

does sound illogical.

If cc is allegedly "vastly op" how come no one complains about it?

Mother1 -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/19/2013 16:35:34)

@ predator9657

Because no one has noticed anything overpowered about it yet that is why. Just because it has gone undetected doesn't mean it isn't out there. I can give a good example of overpowerness going unnoticed until a change was made.

Cyber hunter's static charge when it first came out was vastly overpowered in effect due to it being able to not only ignore all enemy defenses in effect, but give a large amount of energy back with only moderate strength.

However this went unnoticed because when the class first came out Tactical merc's were beating cyber hunters up so badly that the class itself was looked at as underpowered even though they had an overpowered move.

However the moment cyber hunter got it's plasma armor everyone started noticing how strong static charge was, and then the move was nerfed.

Now as it stands now the regular Celtic cleaver is abused by glass cannon TM using strength support since they have low dex to help get lower the chances of getting blocked. If a physical version comes out Bounty hunters would have the perfect combo to keep block chance at a low while having a physical primary that can remove up to 7% more block chance instead of the 2% they have now when striking.

So High smoke + physical Celtic cleaver + strike = High damage with lowest chance to block.

Rayman -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/19/2013 21:50:09)

Not Supported for above reason and because then people will ask for a physical frostbane, energy azrael bane Etc.

Scyze -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/20/2013 0:14:49)

Maybe you're new to EpicDuel or maybe you're not but you have to consider when this Sword will go permanently Rare. Frostbane went Rare on the 2010 Frysteland War and that Sword was available for 2 years only. That got replaced by the Frost Slayer in 2011.
How often do you see these promotional Weapons as a different damage type?

If it does manage to happen, all you'll likely see is a recolored Celtic Cleaver.

Mysterion. -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/21/2013 21:54:30)


which will be turning into an active core just like all passive skill cores.

Lol, no.
Only class skills will be turned active, not skill cores.


Rayman -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/21/2013 22:16:02)


Lol, no.
Only class skills will be turned active, not skill cores.

Shes talking about shadow arts, just letting you know.

Mother1 -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/21/2013 22:32:39)

@ mysterion

Rayman hit the nail on the head as I was talking about shadow arts. Something I know the masses wanted gone for the longest since it is the only passive that works with 100% luck.

Mysterion. -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/21/2013 22:35:15)

Then why do you clearly say:

which will be turning into an active core just like all passive skill cores.

Should be more clear, since you clearly say all passive skill cores, not skills only. ;)

Rayman -> RE: Physical Celtic Cleaver (7/21/2013 23:35:22)

For me it's 100% clear, I don't know how you like to see it but for me it's clear, just her her clarify it to you.

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