Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (Full Version)

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Exploding Penguin -> Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/21/2013 11:04:13)

This is a tier list of all the classes, which ranks them from 1-6 based on matchups with other classes in 1v1.

As always, please note that this is a great portion of opinion supported by research, blah, blah, blah... basically it's just my opinion that I created from lots of data collecting through playing ED.

So the way this works is I matchup each class to every other class, for a total of 5 class matchups for all 6 classes. Each matchup will be ranked +1, -1, or +/-0. After deciding all these matchups, I will then rank the classes based off of their total matchup score.

BH Matchups
BH v. BH = +/-0

BH v. TM = -1
[This is because TM can essentially make shadow arts useless with their large deflectable attack options, have a more consistent energy flow controller, and have a low-energy costing shield to smoke.]
BH v. Merc = +1
[Mercs rely a lot on blockable attacks such as zerker and static smash, which normally result in blocks since the BH has shadow and smoke. Bunker is one of the only exceptions, but it has a 2 turn cooldown so BHs can easily predict and prepare themselves for this situation.]
BH v. CH = -1
[CH can EMP BH, and then BH will follow up with an EMP resulting in each player losing almost all their energy. This ends up in a blood lust vs. passive armor, which normally results in a tank win. However, if an EMP exchange does not occur, malf will counter the effectiveness of the BH's EMP and smoke, and defense matrix given CH's support synergy will be more than a viable counter against smoke anyways.]
BH v. BM = +1
[In this matchup, whoever runs out of energy first will lose because BH will depend on its smoke to mess up BM, but BM will depend on bludgeon, intimidate, and reflex. However, BH has EMP which will ruin a BM, whereas BM can't do anything to a BH's energy.]
BH v. TLM = +/-0
[TLM has many of its important skills based off of blockables, including atom smasher, frenzy with rage, etc... A BH with a strong enough smoke and an EMP can stop instant threats such as support-artillery strikes and tank surgical strikes. However, with this seemingly strong advantage given BH's high natural block chance, it's still a hard to decide winner because TLMs will drag on the fight to the endgame, where it will be another tank v. bloodlust class. A BH can either end it quickly and win with a TLM or drag on the fight to an almost impossible to win endgame.]

TM Matchups
TM v. TM = +/-0

TM v. BH = +1

TM v. Merc = +/-0
[TMs require energy for their high offensive play, even when they aren't doing class cannon. Because of the fact that Merc v. TM will result in an energy lock of no one getting enough energy to do anything, a TM would seemingly lose in endgame fights that are dragged on this long. However, early-game damage rushes from TM can easily mess up a Merc because of Merc's lack of defensive buffs and TM's ability of applying consistently high damage over a span of multiple turns. Mix this with the fact that Merc's only got field medic for healing and intimidate is fairly weak, and TMs will win more in the early game.]
TM v. BM = -1
[Really depends on the build. A caster TM can possibly beat a BM in endgame fights where casters excel at because of their tankiness countering blood lust, the high tech to deflect deadly aim, and the fact that reroute can't be stopped by BM. However, TM, with their early rushing builds, can sometimes overpower a BM, but normally will lose to the massive numbers that BMs hit with deadly aim, bludgeon, and even intimidate. BM also has a very strong counter to malfunction as well. Overall, though, I'd have to say TM will have a slight disadvantage against BM.]
TM v. CH = +1
[Malfunction will seal EMP, technician is an extremely strong counter to CH's malfunction as well, and assimilation seals static charge. Not to mention that shadow arts does almost nothing because assimilation can't be stopped by blocks and TMs will rely more on deflectables. After a CH runs out of energy TMs will dominate with repeated healing from reroute and assimilation, and glass cannon TMs can just power on through plasma armor as if it were nothing, and turn the game into a possible win or loss with a bludgeon or lucky block. Overall, TM has the advantage because of its ability to seal so many of CH's skills and to also be able to just power right on through plasma armor.]
TM v. TLM = -1
[TLM will probably win in this matchup. Assimilation and caster TMs are easily sealed by repeated atom smashing, and high base tech + blood shield should prove more than an effective defense against TM glass cannons. Also, frenzy is a very viable counter as glass cannons have weak defenses, thus fueling frenzy's lifesteal effects.]

Merc Matchups
Merc v. Merc = +/-0

Merc v. BH = -1

Merc v. TM = +/-0

Merc. v. TLM = +/-0
[Both will just get into an endgame given static smash followed up by atom smashing. At that point anything could happen given they're similar classes]
Merc v. CH = +/-0
[Bunker is a great damage dealer to CHs because of their naturally lower defense, but they will block static smash a lot and can EMP. In the end, it'll probably become another endgame, and result in a similar situation as TLM]
Merc v. BM = -1
[As of now with static smash, mercs will normally play into an endgame. However, BM as a class excels at endgames with their strong basic attacks such as the well-mentioned Deadly Aim + blood lust combo. In most cases, the merc will either have a 50/50 chance of winning or end up in a hard-to-win endgame.]

CH Matchups
CH v. CH = +/-0

CH v. BH = +1

CH v. TM = -1

CH v. Merc = +/-0

CH v. BM = +1
[CH will normally win this because of their EMP and debuff which work very well together against BMs, much like how BH's smoke + emp works well. However, it really does depend on the BM's sidearm damage type and block luck from bludgeon. If the BM has a phys sidearm and strong deadly aim, the fight could go either way, but normally a BM would be at a disadvantage.]
CH v. TLM = +/-0
[this just turns into another endgame wait with EMP + atom smasher, or malf + blood shield and atom smasher to stop potential threats such as field medics and massacre. However, malfunction will be targeting the higher invested stat of tech while TLM has no define target damage type, so this kind of matchup could have mixed results]

BM Matchups
BM v. BM = +/-0

BM v. BH = -1

BM v. TM = +1

BM v. Merc = +1

BM v. CH = -1

BM v. TLM = +1
[TLM's main goal for good win ratios is to go for endgame waits. However, BMs that have their amazingly strong endgame play can't be stopped by this, and rage bludgeon will penetrate through mineral armor for massive damage as well. While TLM does have more tech in many cases for deadly aim deflections, BM will still have a definite advantage in this matchup]

TLM Matchups
TLM v. TLM = +/-0

TLM v. BH = +/-0

TLM v. TM = +1

TLM v. Merc = +/-0

TLM v. CH = +/-0

TLM v. BM = -1

Some Side Notes
-Those with naturally lower stat investment in certain stats such as tech and dex namely (because of passive armors) are more susceptible to certain debuffs because of diminishing return. For example, malfunction which removes 30 tech will take way more resistance from somebody with 40 tech than it will from somebody with 70. This is important when considering and thinking about a debuff's true effect in matchups.
-I mostly took into account the highest win rate builds, not necessarily the most popular or the fastest as of now
-This tier list is definitely subject to change as other people's opinions come in, and balance changes from the devs are made to the game
-This tier list is very opinion-based, so don't suppose anything I said here I'm stating as solid fact. These are just well-guided judgements based off of information gathered from the game.

The Tier List
Woohoo, time for the tier list, the moment you've all been waiting for and some people who probably skipped all the text just to get to this point.

Top Tier:
1. CH (+1)
2. BM (+1)

Middle Tier:
3. BH/TM (+/-0)
4. BH/TM (+/-0)
5. TLM (+/-0)

Low Tier:
6. Merc (-2)

Now, for some notes on the tier list

-Slots 3 and 4 are arguable because BH and TM both have their strengths and weaknesses that are very different. However, both come close to each other in terms of balance.
-The order actually makes a difference; I believe CH is better than BM and BH/TM is better than TLM.
-The pluses and the minuses next to the class are the Match-up rating of each of the classes, earlier fully diagnosed and explained in the topic
-I was shocked when I first saw the results of the tier list too! But this is what happens when a single core ruins balance, and overused builds like glass cannons cloud people's visions of what's overpowered and what's now.
-This tier list may not be accurate in terms of win ratios and such today mainly because some classes are favored far more than others, thus giving those classes with an advantage over the more abundant classes an advantage. However, if there were equal players of all 6 classes, then it is supposed that this tier list would be close to accurate.
-The tier list is not going to make a humongous difference in win ratio. As an estimate, I'd have to say 90% of wins would be a player's skill and what the player does, and only 10%- will actually be the tier list's ranking helping win ratios.

Some Q&A for Fun
Q: OMGWTFBBQHAXORZ Why is merc last? I thought it was a good class in 1v1 now...
A: Unfortunately, the addition of a single skill didn't save merc from the underpowered pit it was stuck in. The lack of a counter to debuffs is a huge disadvantage, especially given how strong debuffs are in Omega, and intimidate does little to help. Double strike's nerf also made it near unusable.

Q: NO WAY! CH is so underpowered!
A: Actually, even though static charge is virtually useless unless raged on in very special circumstances, CH still has a good grip of the fight because they can tank against other debuffs with a passive AND a very, very strong defensive buff while also debuffing (debuffs are pretty OP right now, in my opinion). CHs can also use EMP with their support synergy letting them start first to seal opponents' skills in early turns.

Q: Why are so many people BHs and TMs then if BM and CH are better on this list?
A: First of all, this list is a lot of opinion. Second of all, those people are ones who strive for high win counts, not those who strive for good win/loss ratios. This list is for which classes have the highest potential for good win/loss ratios.

Q: Why is TLM weaker than BH/TM even though they have the same rating? Same with the top tier as well.
A: Because TLM lacks an unpredictable offensive measure when it desperately needs it in certain places, especially in 2v2 when needing the kill in an early turn. However, TLMs have good strategies for dragging out fights into endgames, and most debuff classes are weak at those points. CH is better than BM because BM's placement is based off of its wide range of counter options to debuffs and offensive builds, as well as its strong fundamentals with deadly aim + blood lust which wrecks endgame classes like TLM and Merc who don't have debuffs. However, BM has little to no control over energy flow whereas CH has a very strong grip of it with static charge rage and EMP.

...So that basically finishes this topic up! I would love to hear about anyone's feedback, opinions, thoughts, and any other stuff like that!

Midnightsoul -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/21/2013 11:36:13)

You know, even though you have all of these which are opinion based, I have to say it's kind of accurate. Some I disagree on because of build differences.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/21/2013 11:39:05)

@Midnightsoul: Yea, considering how a lot of stuff can be rock-paper-scissors with builds among 2 different classes, it was extremely difficult to decide some of the matchups. Mainly for BM, because they normally got rushed early by EMP + debuff build or by glass cannons, but it was pretty much a guaranteed win for them if they lasted until the endgame. I was also ignoring the fact that Azrael's Mark existed because it's an OP core that 1) Not everyone has, and 2) Makes a singular build have a greatly increased win rate for certain classes, which doesn't necessarily make the class stronger, just the build because of the core's overpowered influence.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/22/2013 5:18:02)

My non varium TM with 5 focus is on the lowest tier because he is very weak in 1vs1.
This has alot to do with the promo items that most of the other players have.
Especially with Azraelīs gun and Botanical Bot. The orange numbers show my personal

TM v. TM = +/-0 -1

TM v. BH = +1 -1

TM v. Merc = +/-0 -1

TM v. BM = -1 -2

TM v. CH = +1 +/-0

TM v. TLM = -1 -2

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/22/2013 9:53:15)

We all have our personal experiences, and the tier list is simply mine, so I respect your thoughts on TM's placement.

Here are a few things to keep in mind about my list though:

-I suppose everyone has everything. This means that if one person has a promo their opponent does too, and if they don't their opponent doesn't
-Because of the first thing on the list, a class vs. itself will pretty much always be +/-0 because they are essentially equal, and this tier list measures the statistical advantage, not the player's skill, luck, etc...
-I tried to stray away from +/-2 or higher, although it may not be a bad idea to reconfigure my tier list if I ever decide to make another one in the distant future
-I considered the highest win rate builds. What I can say is that given today's current situation, TM focus and glass cannons are not the highest win rate builds, but I believe that a slightly tanky strength TM much like the popular dex tank BMs will come out with the highest win rate.

RabbleFroth -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/22/2013 15:34:46)

That's a neat way of "ranking" the classes. Well thought-out analysis too!

Q...Q -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/22/2013 17:12:19)

Exploding penguin for president!

Zeruphantom -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/22/2013 17:51:59)

I had no idea CH would be up there :O.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/22/2013 21:21:08)

Cybers vs. Tacticals always ends up in an epic fight! The azreal's gear almost never makes a difference in these fights. The only equipment that decides the match are the ones suited for tanking ( botanical hazard, roots, frost shards etc.)

I'd say that Cybers would be 50/50 against any type of Mage build

King FrostLich -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/22/2013 21:33:58)

Im gonna disagree on the BM vs TLM thing. Most of the time, TLM's often deflect my attack which renders bloodlust weak and ineffective. Not sure how BM can beat tank TLM's even with strength but I'd like to see a demonstration how.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/22/2013 21:34:15)

CH against BMs will pretty much just be if the BM has a phys gun, the CH will lose, because the most successful CH builds will typically have slightly higher resistance than defense and it proves a humongous weakness for CH in the matchup.

Against TMs, I ranked CH as losing mainly because of the fact that repeated assimilations cannot be blocked to stop the energy stealing/gain, and malfunction goes through resistance pretty easily too. Also, rage with energy attacks will entirely penetrate CHs, so a target on resistance in a CH vs. TM fight won't prove that weak even though CH has plasma armor. Same with TLM, but TLM simply lacks any strong offensive potential. Not only do TLMs have no debuff at all, they have very few and very weak skills that deal static damage boosts (like bludgeon, berzerker, etc...). While this tier list is for 1v1, the ability to do those static damage boosts is extremely important in 2v2, hence why the Improbability Gate Core is amazing on TLM and CH.

@Frost: Cores like aim assist make it almost impossible to get your attacks deflected. They can easily more than halve the opponent's deflection chance on your sidearm/aux attacks. However, I do understand what you mean. Another thing to note is that rage on bludgeon will penetrate through mineral armor, dealing an extra 5 damage. Plus, BMs don't particularly need energy against TLMs as much as they do against other classes because TLM lacks static offensive options and a debuff, so energy with a BM vs. TLM fight will normally be consumed on field medic and bludgeon. I've made focus merc builds with the same amount of tech as a TLM focus build would, and I almost always get killed by BMs by a large margin not entirely because of a skill difference, but because aim assist renders my higher tech almost useless.

@Zeruphantom: Remember, while I tried to make this tier list accurate, it is still opinion for a large portion of it (supported opinion based off of lots of in-game fights). Also, in the end luck and skill will make 90%+ of the win difference, and a class advantage off of this tier list will be almost minimal. But, I'd still stick with CH being a top class because I've played almost all the classes so far in Omega (switched to the ones that got noticeable skill buffs/new skills), and so far I can say CH has a definite advantage so far compared to classes like TLM and merc (which I actually played for the longest amount of time so far in Omega).

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/22/2013 23:53:03)

Excellent analysis! I enjoyed reading this.

I agree that CH is extremely underrated. Plasma Armor and Defense Matrix is a stunning combo. Malfunction and EMP grenade are also incredible tools, and with support from Static Charge and Shadow Arts you have one tough cookie.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/23/2013 1:07:01)

@Giras: CH is underrated mainly because once they run out of energy, they become even less offensive as TLMs, which is seen by many as a humongous setback. However, if you invest a good deal in support or in max energy, you can go first and not worry about losing your debuff/field medic, or you can rely on your max energy and what other offensive stat you invested in to deal good damage.

King Helios -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/23/2013 8:14:49)

Merc vs TLM, from my experiences as Merc, would be +1 (or +.5, if you can do that), because Merc can get a Tactical's energy back with attacks, then drain it again. Thay also hjave rage Bunker Buster sometimes, which cuts through a considerable amount of defense.

zion -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/23/2013 10:46:25)

Agree 100% with KH: Merc kills TLM because all rerouted energy goes to the merc.
Update: Both Merc classes are -1... buff double strike?

@EP: How does CH rank in 2v2?

kosmo -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/23/2013 12:16:02)

i have to disagree on bm vs bh
it really depends on ur build, a focus bm can easelly kill both focus and strenght bh.
against a strenght bh its like a 100% win, going for sure first u just need to use frost shards and energy remover on gun if its needed ( to get they 2nd smoke out),then u wait for them to debuff ur shield and u intimidate, heal, rage, bla bla bla
on a focus bh u just need to make sure to have a generator core that garants u an heal even if they use emp+frost shards; or more simply u just incrase ur support to go 1st.
when doing such a list I think it s important to always consider cores and specials, the different effects they have on classes and how the balance radically changes evrytime they get introduced in game

Necromantres -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/23/2013 15:16:24)


I'd say that Cybers would be 50/50 against any type of Mage build

In the battlefield my caster tech mage says otherwise, ch that i met aren't that hard to beat.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/23/2013 15:20:28)


Then apparently you've never met me [;)]

Necromantres -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/23/2013 15:21:30)

neither have you.

lionblades -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/23/2013 15:36:51)

BH tank can beat caster 99% of the time with a high EMP and poison bot
but Str BH always seems to lose vs caster cause casters block and especially deflect alot...

Necromantres -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/23/2013 15:51:53)

@above, yep but not always blocks are good things, i still remember at least 1 fight when i blocked and didn't got enough energy to heal.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/23/2013 18:42:28)

@kosmo: Even if there is a tier list strategy, rock-paper-scissor build relationships, skill, and luck will be the main deciders of who wins.

@Helios: Merc will lose the energy as soon as they take it unless the merc fails to hit enough for 6 energy in 3 turns, which I find highly improbable. Aside from that, both classes are about equal once both of them lose all their energy.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/24/2013 19:00:25)

bh tank beats bm tank. anyday. and it beats caster mage. and CH( underpowered).

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/24/2013 19:42:51)

@ED Divine: I find it hard to believe a BH tank can beat a CH tank. As a CH I almost never lose to BHs of all build types in 1v1. 1 EMP wrecks BHs, and even if they still can smoke after that it'll be a weak smoke that can be more than nullified with level 1 defense matrix. Plus, most BH tanks prioritize strength over support in their focus/tank builds, whereas I choose support so I almost get the first EMP.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Class Tier List (Rankings) (7/21/13) (7/24/2013 19:42:56)

BH tank can't beat a CH :P

Although a High Health Strength BH is a different story

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