xDeathlordx -> RE: =AQ= Wanna sort your inventory faster? (7/22/2013 3:18:30)
Are we allowed to organize our inventory while battling? That doesn't work and I would strongly advise against using the new app while logged in. Especially if you are in a shop selling stuff. The system could become confused and you could end up selling something you didn't mean to, like a rare. Yikes! If you are in game and use the app to make a change, it will show the change in your inventory once you enter a shop but it will not show it if you do it while you are in the shop. It also won't show the change in your active inventory while battling even after it shows up in the shop until after you log out/in. I was experimenting just to see and I can see where it could cause some real issues if you use it while logged in.