RE: 2vs2 (Full Version)

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lionblades -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 12:17:39)

^and what limits the devs decision on that matter?

2vs2 is restricted at higher levels because you already earned alot of credits, while at lower levels you are still stacking up credits to get the gear

once you hit a certain lvl there should be no excuse for not having enough credits with lvling up, NPCs, and even missions as credit opportunities

SKRALL213 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 12:24:26)

Once your done with all the missions you cant do them again till the devs release the Daily mission feature (Which has bean said by Charfade and Nightwraith). I know allot of low leveled players who spend all their credits on retraining their builds and trying to make a good one. I can understand if they still don't have enough credits once they hit the point where they need gear. Even with a bigger loss record then win record in 2v2, you only make so much from a loss.

Its really up to the devs to decide what level to make it or even think about this option.

Mother1 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 12:28:35)

@ lionblades

We only get 100 NPC wins a day which adds up to 2200 credits-3700 credits you can get due to having unlimited NPC harming the game before. Unless you get all 100 wins during power hour which is very unlikely. Also many of the missions involve PVP wins. How are these people suppose to get PVP wins if they only have one battle mode to choose from (since 2 vs 2 is restricted to fully gear people) and at the higher levels they would sooner destroy their battle records due to all the strength support, super tanks Etc running around in 1 vs 1 then get the wins they need for credit rewards to get the gear.

Also I have to ask how many of those people (The 900-1000) are actually high levels? Very few of them while a can have 900-1000 players many of them are lower levels to mid level which your idea excludes.

If I were to guess maybe 100 (and I am really pushing this) are high levels (29-35) and let not forget we won't see all those for the following reasons.

1 players within battle range doing 1 vs 1
2 players within battle range doing juggernaut
3 players within battle range talking with friends and not battling
4 players within battle range already doing other 2 vs 2 fights.

All these cut into the player pool. Plus as trans said they will be putting back the legion vs exile thing this week so we will also have

5 players within battle range not being the enemy

and the last one really cut into find battles at All levels.

Waits aren't fun as I spoke with many people in game as well, and this idea especially at higher level where there are less people I can grantee it will cause longer waits since another filler will be added removing players.

lionblades -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 12:28:57)

^ I didnt know about the upcoming Daily Missions but this only makes my point stronger
Those with no gear have more than plenty of opportunities to get the upgraded gear

SKRALL213 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 12:34:13)

It proves nothing since you can only do them once per day and it could be anything then just credits or a item. As Mother1 stated, it will destroy their records and players care about that.
Just because you have no gear means nothing as I said. It all matters if you can make your skills in a combo. Luck is a huge factor but like I said skill and strategy still matter a bit.

lionblades -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 12:43:31)

Lol? win-ratio records destroyed? The people with no gear makes the victims lose more than they can win in 2vs2 thats what win ratio destroyed means
95% of the time people with no gear have negative WLR eg. 3453 wins and 9874 losses
The other 5% are just trollers

SKRALL213 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 12:49:20)

At low level yes but with high levels I rarely see players trolling. Gear is just for stats unless you use them for a combo or a "Just In Case" needs.
I have a good record even with having a partner with no gear. IMO it all matters on the build and stats. That is why gear is needed for extra stats as I said. Unless you have them for a combo or anything. I seen players use nothing but their primary and energy and not once their auxiliary, sidearm, or robot.

Mother1 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 12:50:08)

@ lionblades

And you would be forcing them to destroy their records even worse because you would forcing them to do one vs one in which they stand even less of a chance of winning since they have full gear. 2 vs 2 is the most improvise but fun mode in the game since you have to work with a partner.

Most people play this mode to get credits for gear at all levels as well as level up faster. you get 20 credits if you lose a 1 vs 1 and 41 or 61 depending on if you beat one of your opponents in 2 vs 2 or not. Even without winning against one you get 2 times the amount of credits for just staying in the match until you both lose, and 3 times the amount if you are successful at taking out one.

lionblades -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:01:35)

Gear is not just for stats you need the upgraded dmg points in order to play competitively. Also, on your logic your saying a person with only upgraded skill points in gear can play on par with a person with the same gear and build only with everything upgraded. Nope. It is mandatory, not "just in case" clutch moments.
And, 1vs1 gives similar credits if not faster at losing since the time is faster, with the right build you could get 1 hit KO lol

Dont ruin 2vs2 with no geared people, it already bad when someone leaves by lag etc.

Also, Mother1, 3700 credits for 1 day NPC to 100 is plenty for people with partial upgraded gear.
If they already have the dmg upgraded, the cost to upgrade MAX skill points for a sword about 4k. Not alot.
And there's always the varium shortcut if they want to support the game

SKRALL213 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:10:45)

You did not read what I said I said "Unless you use it for a COMBO" I only use my gear for "Just in Case" and I do just fine. And on my logic I meant you don't need to use gear UNLESS your using it for a combo with your build. As I said some players don't use them at all and only for skill and use them for a moment in need like I do with the core stun blast and my Auxiliary. Since Omega the only things that matter is Skill, Strategy, and Luck.

2v2 will be ruin if it gets restricted like you want it. Its fun and heck the lag isn't a problem for as I said some players don't care (Like me) if their partner leaves or not. When they do its a good test of skill and if you can win or not. Which IMO makes it funner and doesn't ruin it.

This isn't PvE this is a PvP game, its best to battle other players and from looking you make credits faster from 2v2 then 1v1. I was able to get 45k for my baby yeti from doing 2v2. you can make 132 credits from 2v2 if your lucky. Where 1v1 you would only get 41 which is how much you get if you lose a 2v2. And to some it is allot to upgrade a sword. Depending on level. For my Moose Bane E I need 11k credits to upgrade it to the fullest. and the max was over 4k credits for just stat upgrade.

P.S. It is HIGHLY impossible to do a 1 hit KO. I have not seen it done or have ever done it. Unless you cheat and stuff there is no way you can do a 1 hit KO unless the player your facing has very low defense/resistance and you are abusing tech/dex and one skill.

lionblades -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:16:19)

^ Skrall213, I will quote exactly what you just said "You dont need to use gear unless your using it for a combo"
You very much do need to use gear regardless of build even if its just for stats etc.

Also, for you 2vs2 may be fun if someone leaves but not for the majority of the players

EDIT: In the post I am talking about, it is the person that is getting KOd if you want to lose just invest all skills to energy and its a 1 hit KO for credits

SKRALL213 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:18:50)

And you just Proved me right. Combo as in. Auxiliary, then Artillery Strike. That is a Combo. Like TM using Malfuncation and a Energy Side arm with Max deadly aim. Another combo. My build is a smoke screen one and my gear (But robot) are energy type. So useless to me unless I use them in a Combo with a TM's Mafluncation. So you proved me right.

Still wouldn't be a 1 hit KO unless like I said it had max power and your facing someone with low defense/resistance. And low Health.

Mother1 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:21:15)


and making it so a free battle mode is taken away from players who are trying to get money for the very items you want them to have isn't fair in the least either. you are taking away someone else's fun by doing this.

You are also hurting fully geared players as well since you are cutting into an already small player pool. Waiting for a long time for a fight isn't fun in the least.

Also if a one hit KO was found in omega I grantee you the forums would complain about it, and the staff would nerf it.

lionblades -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:31:13)

@skrall213 you did not read my post carefully, "regardless of build" for example, TLM doesnt have a combo like you just said so it doesnt matter if you have a energy or physical weapon, but you still need the GEAR upgraded
Also, for credits you can just invest all points into energy and it will be a KO 1st turn it doesnt matter if your facing someone with low defenses or health. Don't believe it? Try it

Mother1, the wait time is not long at all, unlike the legion and exile
Play 2vs2 and you will see that odds are out of 30 battles you will meet 1 or 2 with no gear

Mother1 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:33:46)

@ lionblades

Did you not read what trans said earlier in the thread or keep up with the design notes? They are going to be reintroducing that feature again which will once again cut into everyone's player pool.

Also what time of the day do you play? because during certain times of the day finding matches can take some time in 2 vs 2.

SKRALL213 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:38:31)

First of all I said TM not TLM. And yes you said prove me right again for I said gear is used for stats. Your not proving me wrong at all. I doubt you or anyone has done a 1 hit KO because if you or anyone, the players on the forums here would complain and the devs would nerf it like Mother1 has said. And defense/resistance DOES matter for it lowers your damage output by a bit and if they abuse one stat its impossible to hit over 10 unless you crit, rage or use a skill.

I read everything clear and carefully.

And it does take time and if you didn't know the devs are gonna bring the Legion vs Exile battle system back I think this friday as another test so it makes the war more real a bit. So doing this will lower the matching pool and with this idea 2v2 will be dead from having to wait hours on end.

EDIT: Mother1 beat me to it.

lionblades -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:38:40)

I did indeed read it, and yes of course they will be reintroducing the feature again
But after the war? Obviously, it will not be implemented PERMANENTLY

Most likely, if the devs implement this it will not apply when there are more restrictions such as wars

To skrall: First, I said TLM not you. Second, gear is used not just for stats but FOR damage. I am indeed proving you wrong. Also, I dont think you get it. Some people purposfully get low defenses and hp to lose. This makes the other player win by a 1 hit KO. The player with low defenses get a loss with credits and the other player wins. So how is it impossible?

SKRALL213 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:53:34)


TLM doesnt have a combo like you just said

Quoted from you.
Its impossible because it has NEVER bean done. Not to me, not to anyone I know of. And if it was done some one would of said something by now. Not even Azreal has done a 1 hit KO. And no you are wrong. Not every player uses gear for damage. As I have said. I have yet to see a player depend on their gear. Expect for certain builds like BM and Merc. BM depends on health and support. They have low defense and resistance and yet they pull out at least five or more wins in a row. Stats are more important then damage because Stats increase your tech, dex, support or anything that will make your skills more powerful.

Mother1 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 13:56:22)

@ lionblades

How can you say it isn't going to be permanent? For all we know this could be a permanent change even after the war. Until the design notes or staff members say otherwise it would best not to assume anything.

lionblades -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 14:01:08)

^Of course it has never been done because it is impossible with TLM current tank build because they are built as a tank with the only high damage skill surgical. Also, you said:
"I have yet to see a player depend on their gear Expect(most likely except) BM and Merc."
In case you didnt know, TLM is the most dependent on gear since they have no severe offensive skill options

Now this is getting off topic so in 2vs2 gear is a major factor to winning.

Edit: to mother1 it won't be permanant or else many players in game will rage. This is only for the war. Jugg took 10 min or more in legion v exile setup. I am assuming that devs are aware this is for war only. Only time will tell obviously

SKRALL213 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 14:06:47)

My mistake I meant Except not Expect. Typo.
And I never said TLM can I meant EVERY class.

To be honest to the fullest. You and Me are right. It depends on who USES it. You use it for damage, I use it for stats. Their are players like me who rarely use Gear and use it for stats only and then there are players like you who use it for Damage. Now looking we're just throwing opinions and facts at each other.

So YES you are right and so am I. Gear is a factor to win because it is good in combos for good damage and a good boost to stats. But I still don't support this.

EDIT: Last time I check the legion vs exile system, its only in a test. Not staying. It only is for a while till they perfect it then if it doesn't work out it is getting removed again and get work on once more if I am correct.

lionblades -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 14:13:41)

Yeah, I agree your points do make sense. It just depends on the person right?
Now, I am 99% sure to say the exile legion system is not permanent

Also, in 2vs2 an energy drain very successfully ruins people without gear (to back up damage) who only rely on skills so I am very reluctant to say in 2vs2 gear doesnt really matter

SKRALL213 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 14:20:29)

Yup! I have seen people use gears for damage and for stats.

EMP and Static Smash can take out 30 or more Energy and they make Skills useless unless their a TLM or TM. Gear doesn't do that great of damage unless you focus on it like Support mercs do with their Auxiliary. But their only doing that for the Artillery Strike skill. They just use the Auxiliary because as they upgrade their support for Artillery, it just so happens support upgrades Auxiliary damage.

The Legion vs Exile Isn't Permanent if I remember correctly. Just a test because they did some updates to it. And its releasing this Friday if I am right.

lionblades -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 14:24:03)

Skrall: Very true, a support merc can still use aluxiliary with very good results without multi. However, my first post says people without gear
There would be no point in a support merc if they cant use alux since they don't have one (or without upgraded stat skills) or multi

SKRALL213 -> RE: 2vs2 (7/30/2013 14:32:00)

Yup. Sidearm damage only upgrades with Strength and still your primary still more powerful. Even though people think dex still increases sidearm damage. Dex has no effect. Sidearm damage is increased with the skill Deadly Aim. So saying the only gear that can do high damage then your normal attack is your auxiliary. Which why I use my gears only for stats or just in case moments. You are right and so am I and its all just opinions. But also facts.

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