=ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (Full Version)

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Dual Thrusters -> =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/2/2013 22:41:42)


August 02, 2013
Patch Notes - 1.5.25
  • 14% reduction in the size of the main game client
  • Total of 18 new Dread War Hairstyles. Male, Female and Class versions of the Exile, Legion, Mysterious hairstyle sets.
  • Matchmaking changes
    • The system will now prioritize matches based on how long you have been waiting. While it will try to create Exile vs Legion matches as much as possible, after a time it will prioritize getting you into a fight over waiting for the ideal match. We’ll be monitoring the performance of the new system, and we will make adjustments as necessary.
  • Cores
    • All cores are now inventory items. While little has changed functionally about how cores work, we feel this is a much clearer and universal system. All cores that were previously available directly are now for sale on all Vendbots. We'll be expanding on this even further in the future.
    • Cores have also been repriced slightly. Active cores have increased in price, while passive cores are now less expensive. This was done for two major reasons: 1) To make the value of each type of core more apparent, and 2) To more closely match the amount of work and effort it takes to produce active vs. passive cores.
Tags: RabbleFroth Patch Notes

Tagged and formatted. ~Mecha

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/2/2013 23:11:03)

Hmmm cheaper passive cores that's good.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/2/2013 23:15:43)

Nice updates, Now passive cores are cheaper. As for the prize code.


hey're based on quantity, not time. There were 50 uses of this latest code

I didn't get the item myself, but with the amount that was being given away I am not and won't ever be mad if I miss it.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/2/2013 23:19:52)

lol I didn't even know that Nightwraith would give a code -.-


Nightwraith: Better him than my reply feed! #calmdown #itsonlyacode #lifegoeson

Why did I buy AimAssist before this update ._.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/2/2013 23:23:47)

^ It wasn't a good tweet though, it's trolling.

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/2/2013 23:24:35)

Didn't expect that exile vs exile is still possible.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/2/2013 23:28:20)

@Midnight Assassin

It is possible, but there is a lower chance that it will happen.

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/2/2013 23:33:43)

But I really find it weird my first exile match was followed by another exile match.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/2/2013 23:55:18)

lol just like blocks/deflects :P

Mysterion. -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 2:08:58)


The system will now prioritize matches based on how long you have been waiting. While it will try to create Exile vs Legion matches as much as possible, after a time it will prioritize getting you into a fight over waiting for the ideal match. We’ll be monitoring the performance of the new system, and we will make adjustments as necessary.

Haven't noticed it yet, keep fighting my Exile brothers.
Match-up isn't even more then 2 seconds and already get an Exile..

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 2:13:27)


Either the system isn't working, or not a lot of Legionaires are playing. [&o]

Rayman -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 2:25:33)

They are and system is working, Update was late, but check out tomorrow. And i just fought 7 legion players in a row.

And looks that they didn't added the charged cores yet.

Darkwing -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 2:28:26)

wow so not I pay 3k more for every active core, thx a lot.

CN2025 -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 2:33:57)

which balances out the passive cores

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 2:36:31)


You pay less for Passive Cores too [8D]


Lol I was looking all over the map for charged cores [X(]

Mysterion. -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 2:42:21)


Active cores have increased in price

Like they weren't expensive enough already. >_>

That aside, seems like they added pretty much nothing this week except hairstyles and core shop (yet not the chanrged ones -.-)
All in all, great update..

Let's hope they put a big update up next week, cause this one is rubbish and contains pretty much a day work, not a week..
I think they need to invest their time a bit better, and give us some content..

CN2025 -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 3:04:53)

epic duel needs more staff i hope artix invests more on them or it will die like hero smash

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 5:12:29)

Cores weren't that expensive. As long as you've had a goal, it was completely fine because farming was easier. I've currently got almost 100K Credits on my main and my Lvl 28 BH has 31K Credits saved + all cores but active Gun.

Varium price has also went up and down. 10,000 C / 595 V & 6,000 C / 295 V - so in fact, Varium is more of a shortcut for passive ones than it was at 495 Varium. For 10K Credits, it got a bit more expensive which it shouldn't but kept the old price, but oh well.

Mysterion. -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 6:16:43)

''Augest 2nd''

Ow, btw, why is there no note of the independence day Rares that left the shops?
I forgot to get the achievement.[>:]

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 6:25:30)

@ Mysterion

I remember them saying that those were leaving on twitter. as well as in the old design notes if I am not mistaken.

martinsen5 -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 6:25:37)

This update isn't interesting in any way, if anything it made cores more expensive and I'm glad I already got full cores before this update. Gonna wait another week for something cool to get me playing.

Mysterion. -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 6:30:25)


Yes, I know that haha, but they didnt mention it in the Patch notes.
Im not mad on them, but on myself for forgetting to pick it up. :P

Charfade -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 8:30:22)


That aside, seems like they added pretty much nothing this week except hairstyles and core shop (yet not the chanrged ones -.-)
All in all, great update..

Let's hope they put a big update up next week, cause this one is rubbish and contains pretty much a day work, not a week..
I think they need to invest their time a bit better, and give us some content..

This was definitely more of a stability release then a content release. We have to do these from time to time in order to make sure players can still login in and play. We had several reports that people were not able to even login to the game last week. which was our top priority. The 14% reduction in the size of the main game client is something that not only takes time, but ensures that game runs smoothly. Unlike the other AE games, the way ED is loads all of your inventory, maps, buttons etc is done much differently. We have to do what we call "client diets" to keep the download package upon loading the game small so that when you arrive to the map you should able to play your character with out any hang ups. This also takes more time testing to make sure all the things we changed in the "client diet" process doesn't get bugged and affect other parts of the game we were not aware of. Matching was also tested thoroughly. Will have to wait till monday to get the full data back on how well the new matching system is doing, but so far I'm still getting relativity good matching results on my end. So the 2 parts of this release was not only scary and necessary, it took a long time to test. These types of releases we just have to do, they can also come up unexpectedly. The Adobe Flash player can toss a curve ball our way with an update and we have immediately stop to divert our path to fix it. Those are what we call unknown issues we allow time for in the week, but sometimes those issues are so big they take up most of our development time.

So if I could write a postpartum on what went right last week, we were aware of the issues going into the week with excellent documentation from the bug reports section of the forum. ( Thank yous! ) We were able to identify the issues and get right on them to fix. What went wrong, just the shear amount of testing required for each and everything we put into the game this week. Lots of things were cut this week we hope to fully flesh out and implement in the game for next week.

And before anyone goes "on you need more testers/staff" Remember there is such a thing as to many cooks in the kitchen. Testing is a process, a long one at times. You cant rush it, and having more testers doesn't magically make it go faster. Testers can only help identify problems and offer suggestions on how to fix it. For every issue a great deal of problem solving needs worked out. If you've ever watched Apollo 13, with the famous line "Houston, we have a problem" you knew they were aware of the problem, but it took them many many hours to come up with a solution to it. Its sort of like that.

So yeah sure we can keep adding content, more content... content content content in every release, but it wouldn't matter because you wouldn't be able to play the game. Since we launched the stability release, I'm happy to look into the bug reports section and see that what we did hasn't come up in the buggies yet. Which only means we were really thorough in testing and everyone can still play. Sorry its not huge content update or what you were expecting. But I assure you, we are not dragging our feet. In fact for this release specifically, you shouldn't notice any of the huge changes we made. If you did, we did a bad job problem solving. :)


Ow, btw, why is there no note of the independence day Rares that left the shops?
I forgot to get the achievement.

Ah, Rabble usually writes all the patch notes, he was really busy preping the release, ( it was a very nerve racking release this week ) that I forgot to mention to put that in the patch notes. I'll ask him to do that on monday. :)

They were mentioned in NW part of the DN's

fihtzroy -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 10:35:06)

Matching system is way off on 2vs2,

Got matched with 2 lvl 34s legion players and me(lvl 33 exile) is paired up with either a lvl 27 or 28, which happened to me more than three times in less than an hour.

thats 7 levels of gap, clearly a mismatch, which the devs failed to see in this patch.

I'm hoping this would be addressed soon.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= August 2nd, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.25 (8/3/2013 10:36:24)

The achievement, eep. Has it gone?

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