Weapons stats (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Predator9657 -> Weapons stats (8/3/2013 12:05:12)

Allow 50% of total weapon stats to be put into one stat.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Weapons stats (8/3/2013 13:59:14)

better idea, 100%. complete freedom.

Ranloth -> RE: Weapons stats (8/3/2013 15:34:19)

100% won't ever happen. It's called balance for a reason. If there was 100% freedom, you'd end up seeing builds with... 250-300 Str/Dex/Tech/Support? That'd be REALLY bad.

As of to the suggestion, yes. 50% means you can focus solely on two stats instead of having to dump the remainder into a tertiary stat.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Weapons stats (8/3/2013 17:18:47)

well, then their other stats would be weak.

Ranloth -> RE: Weapons stats (8/3/2013 17:25:11)

When you abuse, other stats are irrelevant. We've seen this happening for Mercs with 150 Support or Str BHs/BMs at the beginning of Omega. You needed Str and HP, that's all. Regarless, 100% will never be done because that'd open up a lot of abuse and nerfs.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Weapons stats (8/3/2013 19:07:25)


Ranloth -> RE: Weapons stats (8/3/2013 19:22:41)

No. It's already at 40% to prevent abuse, do you really think they'd make it that high? Think about it.

ED Divine Darkness -> RE: Weapons stats (8/3/2013 19:24:01)

40% is weak. they shud make it like delta again. the weapons coming with already imbalanced stats.

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