Epic duel app (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Queen brutella -> Epic duel app (8/3/2013 18:54:15)

Hey guys! I have been with Artix for quite a while now and this thought tackled my head at this very moment. I enjoy epicduel a lot but find it upsetting how there isn't a app for it.i mean it would be quite useful for on the go,where ever we are. Unfortunately epic duel requires flashplayer which apple doesn't require. This is only a suggestion but would love to know if I could download it :/ It would be a pleasure too see ED on the App Store [:)]

Queen B

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Epic duel app (8/3/2013 19:04:43)

Artix is working on something called project omni, which will let you play on your mobile devices. Check their website for more details.

Queen brutella -> RE: Epic duel app (8/3/2013 19:26:52)

Lol tyvm for the advice I really appreciate it! :)

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Epic duel app (8/3/2013 19:43:26)

np :)

Here is the first design note.

Queen brutella -> RE: Epic duel app (8/3/2013 20:23:08)

Thnx again ;) Can't wait for project Omni!!!!!

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