newtena -> RE: Lvl 36 (8/7/2013 11:04:25)
Bad idea for example; their are 2 factors that determine damage. the weapon itself and the stat's strength points. to upgrade strength you will continually need more points (6) and more points (8) becoming more expensive but higher levels find a way around it by upgrading their weapon instead of stat building. that increases total damage with ought increasing their strength. lower levels cannot boost their weapons to get around the need for greater and greater stat points needed for upgrading total damage. in level 30s it requires a huge more experience to level up. you will constantly undergo punishment from higher level 32, 33, 34, and 35. it is hard being the lower level in the 30's because its hard to level up and get the same advantage of upgrading weapon damage instead of stats which needs more expensive as you go along. even if you add more to damage you will have to take it from your defenses. level 36 will make it harder for the lower 31s.