Fixing Low Level OP Issue - Auto Upgradable Cores and Special Bots (Full Version)

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drekon -> Fixing Low Level OP Issue - Auto Upgradable Cores and Special Bots (8/10/2013 16:51:05)

I've heard a lot about the imbalance of cores and robots at lower levels. Though I haven't experienced it myself - because I only play at level cap - I figured having auto upgradable cores and special bots would be an effective solution.

For example, each luck based core would increase in potency (%) at unique and specific level intervals - with the minimum 1% being used up to level 14. So cores like Ninja Reflexes (4% max) would be set at 1% up to level 14, increasing incrementally by 1% upon reaching levels 15 (2%), 20 (3%), 25 (4%). Again, each luck based core would have it's own unique incremental tier. The same would apply for active cores that award extra damage - limiting the amount of bonus damage it can do at specific levels.

For special robots that have concerning abilities at low levels, (i.e. Infernal Android, Azrael's Borg, etc.) reducing the % of bonus damage/effect by the same standards as outlined above would aid in reducing the overall OP nature of these items at lower levels.

How do you guys feel about this issue?
Does this suggestion address the problem, in your opinion?
If not, how would you go about addressing it?

Granted, there may or may not be other factors affecting this issue at low levels, so feel free to clue me in if I'm missing something.

Segawoman -> RE: Fixing Low Level OP Issue - Auto Upgradable Cores and Special Bots (8/10/2013 17:02:28)

In my personal opinion, the Robot suggestion is the only one that is actually effective on retrieving EpicDuel from it's PayToWin flaws.

But, this can also become a problem for low-level focus builds going against higher-level ones.

Plus, please converse this thread to the Balance forum please.
It's more of a balance search as well as a suggestion.

Flawless English vocabulary for a person who is learning Japanese.

drekon -> RE: Fixing Low Level OP Issue - Auto Upgradable Cores and Special Bots (8/10/2013 17:39:30)

^ Good point. Requesting a thread transfer to Balance forum if any mod is reading. Thanks.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Fixing Low Level OP Issue - Auto Upgradable Cores and Special Bots (8/10/2013 18:06:24)

The robots already have a power-safe in low levels

Botanical Hazard: scaled with focus
Azreal's Borg: Scales with the amount of the buff (lower level = lower buff amounts = azreal has a lower effect)
Infernal: improved with focus
Assault Bots: scales with the strength of the debuff ( lower level = lower debuff amount = assault bot has a lower effect)
Pyro Fly: um
Yeti: takes away their guns....if they can afford any!


Mother1 -> RE: Fixing Low Level OP Issue - Auto Upgradable Cores and Special Bots (8/10/2013 18:21:01)

@ Dual

The botanical hazards scale with robot damage not focus. Focus add robot damage to power it up, but some spamming tech can still get a decent dot from the bot (5-6 poison)

All the other bots you mentioned are universal and don't work with focus effect wise.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Fixing Low Level OP Issue - Auto Upgradable Cores and Special Bots (8/10/2013 18:37:21)


Exactly why I said they are safe at low levels.

drekon -> RE: Fixing Low Level OP Issue - Auto Upgradable Cores and Special Bots (8/10/2013 18:42:45)

@Dual Thrusters, I see what you're saying but I'm not talking about the robot's initial focus damage. I'm specifically pointing at any bonus % damage or effect that the robots may have. For example, Infernal Android has a max damage that far exceeds the initial focus damage. This extra % damages would be reduced, not the initial focus damage. Same with special effects robots like Azrael's Borg. Instead of 65% default, it could begin at 45% and then increased incrementally at specific level intervals.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Fixing Low Level OP Issue - Auto Upgradable Cores and Special Bots (8/10/2013 18:48:34)

But for Azreal's Borg and Assault bot, the amount that their effects nerf purely depend on their target's strength.

Here being said, debuffs/buffs at lower level are already weak, so that's already an indirect balance line.

Mother1 -> RE: Fixing Low Level OP Issue - Auto Upgradable Cores and Special Bots (8/10/2013 19:00:21)

@ Drekon

By doing that this would put lower levels at a bigger disadvantage against higher levels then they already are now. Especially if said higher level has passed a certain point which would make their robot more powerful in effect then the lower levels.

We already have lower levels at a disadvantage due to stats points and skill points. Adding robot effects would only make this worse.

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