Whats the most I can do to my posts to make them stand out? (Full Version)

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Chosen 0ne -> Whats the most I can do to my posts to make them stand out? (8/11/2013 22:41:45)

Are you able to change the color, make it bold, change the font, and make the font size 2 without breaking any rules?

Example: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21416291

Char -> RE: Whats the most I can do to my posts to make them stand out? (8/11/2013 23:43:05)

You can check the Posting Behavior section of the forum rules to see what you can and cannot do.

By the way: As far as I know, all the things you said are allowed.

Hope this helped! :)


Chosen 0ne -> RE: Whats the most I can do to my posts to make them stand out? (8/12/2013 1:05:28)

It's a matter if this falls under excessive formatting or not. And I don't how to determine what is extensive and what isn't. Most of the rules here are very vague.

Rickyb20 -> RE: Whats the most I can do to my posts to make them stand out? (8/12/2013 1:50:01)

Please delete this post.

Corvus Corax -> RE: Whats the most I can do to my posts to make them stand out? (8/12/2013 2:36:19)

Formatting should never overwhelm a thread. If it does, it's excessive. The posts you linked to definitely overwhelm the thread, and as such would not be allowed. The rules are vague to give us a little room to make judgement calls as to whether or not something is excessive or not. If your goal is to do the most formatting you can to make your posts stand out, then I would strongly advise you to abandon that goal. What truly makes a post stand out is quality.


Chosen 0ne -> RE: Whats the most I can do to my posts to make them stand out? (8/12/2013 11:12:44)

Thanks everyone. [:)]

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